(8) I'll keep you safe from this party disaster

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The title cut out cause it's too long,
'I'll keep you safe from this party disaster'


Darryl smiled as he shakily made his way over to the other two

"How're you feeling?"

"Like I'm about to throw up."

Alyssa smiled as she patted his jacket and fixed his hair, "Good, that's fine. Nothing to worry about, c'mon let's go put the plan into action!"

She smiled brightly, the magenta lights reflecting on everyone as the group entered the large living room

All of them nodding and dispersing as they went opposite directions

Zak smiling as he saw Darryl

He began making his way over when Alyssa yanked the two of them


"Alyssa shut up, you don't need to yell!"

The other only giggled nervously as he weaved through other people

The music suddenly being too loud as they neared the speakers

She smiled as they ended up outside, games were going on in the chilly weather as they all made their way down the path that lead along the ocean shoreline

Flowers were everywhere, all of them assorted nicely in their separate section's

Alyssa let out a deep breath and handing him his own letter

Smiling as she winked

"Come on George, we, my dear friend are going to be the biggest fat asses this party's seen."

The other smiled, having forgotten of his hunger from earlier as he walked back with Alyssa

Watching as Zak passed them

"Hey Zak, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, uhm I just wanted to see the ocean, you guys?"

"Same, but we got hungry so we're heading back."

They smiled and waved as they calmly made their way up the path, the firefly's illuminating it for them

"Damn Alyssa, who knew you were good under pressure-?"

She exhaled, "My heart! I THINK IM DYING GEORGE!"

She put a hand over her heart as she exhaled, George giggling at her as she did so

"Let's just go back inside."

As they were in the backyard the same person from before came back on stage, even more, hyped however

"What's up people! It's been 2 hours, now we gave challenges to 4 different types of majors but now it's time for new ones!"

Drunken cheers erupted everywhere as he smiled and winked at a girl near the stage

"My Editor and animation majors, you guys, get a scavenger hunt. Go collect it upstairs in the lounge."

They watched as people rushed upstairs

"Now, medical majors, your challenge of tonight is 7 minutes in heaven, HOWEVER, the person can't be drunk you little cheaters; and they must be WILLING, first person to do it gets 1,000 dollars!"

"Woah wait, You can get money from this shit?"

George and Alyssa stared as people majoring in the medical field rushed and jumped trying to find a sober person

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