(14) Hello

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The elevator doors opened onto his floor, the 6th floor to be exact

But the minute they did had he felt something was wrong

He inhaled shakily and very slowly pressed the lobby button, getting as close to the wall as possible

However the Elevator did not move, it stayed put. George leaned his head on the wall trying to calm his racing heart, convincing himself that he was going to be just fine and that he had no reason to even be worried

So very slowly did he pick up Cat, and grip on the strap to his bag

The lights flickering as he raced across the hall wanting nothing more than to find his room

Which he did, it was near the far end of the corridor

It had a potted plant outside the door and, a luggage cart?

George didn't have any luggage, it got lost in the airport, so why the hell was there a luggage cart here?

He looked around the hall, before quietly sliding his card

However, the minute he removed the card had he felt unbelievably sick

He quickly organized his bag and put Cat in it, which he fit comfortably fine

He shook his hands to get rid of the nerves and slowly opened the door, he wasn't armed, meaning he had to be very conservative of what little he had

The minute he opened the door had the smell of bleach and alcohol become apparent, it was a nice room, filled with everything he'd need yet he didn't get to look around for after fully stepping in had he been hit on the head

He groaned in pain as he laid on the ground

The person stood above him with a knife, his death was going to be painful.

How nice

George scanned around the room and very quickly rolled over, getting up and staring into the eyes of the person

They were dark blue and narrowed, signifying they were annoyed at his restraint

He smiled at him sweetly and waved causing the other to confusedly wave back with a raised eyebrow

As he did so had George grabbed the flower vase on the table and broke it over his head with a shout, kicking him hard in the gut and watching as they fell to the ground unconscious

However, his mistake had become apparent when 4 more of them stepped into the living room, all of which holding an item that could either stab George to death or cause blunt force trauma

He'd gone against more people before, it wasn't new

But that was when he had a gun

And in case you haven't noticed

He had no gun

He very slowly smiled at them chuckling awkwardly as he began slowly exiting the room, quickly shutting the door and running down the hall

He may have just broken rule number 4, but it's not like it mattered did it?

"Rule number 4, never leave your enemies standing, it'll come back to bite you in the as-"

He groaned lightly as the end of the hallway came into view, only a glass window

He braced himself for what he was about to do but as soon as he was ready had he been thrown against the wall

New guys had come and they were attacking him

Only 3 however, how bad could fighting them be?

However, as soon as he had said that had the guys from before caught up

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