Cheerful Branch x gray troll reader

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If there's one thing you couldn't stand, it was the pop trolls. Everything about them drove you crazy. Their constant singing, their ridiculous hug time, and worst of all, the parties. Their parties were always super loud, and you could hear them from miles away. But the one troll you hated the most out of all of them, was Branch. He was the worst of all. Always so cheerful with his loud singing and dancing. Always telling everybody to look on the bright side of things. Yeah right. What bright side? You scoffed. Today wasn't any different than usual. You heard the pop trolls loud singing while collecting sticks. Sooner or later it got to you and you went to put an end to it. Just as you got to the village Branch was just finishing off the song. "Ohh! Yeah, ohh!" The Snack Pack form their hair into rainbows, a red tulip, a flower, farting glitter as fireworks, and Poppy goes to Cooper's head. "Yeah!" You clapped for them sarcastically. Everyone soon turned their attention to you. "Great. Way to go, guys. Fantastic. Really great. Do you even know how loud you are?" You asked. Most of the trolls looked displeased with your attitude, except for Poppy and Branch, who both smiled at you. "Oh hey (Y/n)!" Poppy said. "Oh hey (Y/n)." You mocked. "Hey, you don't have to be so mean you know." Branch slid down next to you. "Are you coming to the party tonight?" Branch asked. "What? No way." You said. "Oh come on, (Y/n)! It will be fun!" Poppy said. "Yeah. The whole village will be there." Branch said. "Oh great. So it will be ten times as loud." You said. "Come on. You never come to any of our parties." Branch said. "There's a good reason for that." You said. "You might like it." Branch said. "Look, Branch. Not all trolls are the same, okay? And I'm definitely not going to some lame party of yours." You said. "Why don't you just accept the fact that I don't like the same things you do." You said. "Well what do you like?" Poppy asked. "Negativity." Cooper said. "Ruining people's fun." Guy Diamond said. "Hiding." Biggie said. "Quiet." Dj Suki said. "Branches." Smidge said. "Her bunker." The fashion twins said. Branch chuckled and you glared at everyone. "Oh yeah. Real funny, guys." You said. "It's true." Biggie said. "Whatever. Just don't come crying to me when all of you bring a Bergen to this village." You said. Branch watched you walk away with concern. Poppy went to comfort him. "It will be okay, Branch. We don't need her. We can still have a great time tonight." Poppy said. "I guess." Branch said. But he looked back at the direction you had walked away from.

Time Skip

You watched from a hill as Poppy and Branch danced together on a mushroom. You scoffed and walked away. "Idiots. Always throwing parties." You said. "What's there to celebrate anyway?" You asked. You shook your head and went back to your bunker. Not too long after you heard loud banging on your door with a voice calling your name. "(Y/n)!" You instantly knew who it was. Branch. You groaned and went to the door. You opened it to see Branch's worried look. "What? What do you want?" You asked, clearly annoyed. "We have a problem!" He said. "What? No we don't. What problem?" You asked. "The others have been taken!" Branch said. You gasped and quickly grabbed Branch, then closed the door. "Branch, tell me what happened." You said. "Well, we were have a party, right? And everything seemed fine at first, but then all of a sudden a Bergen came out of nowhere and took some of the others." Branch said. "Do you know which trolls were taken?" You asked. Branch nodded. "It took Biggie, Mr. Dinkles, Cooper, Guy Diamond, Satin & Chenille, Smidge, Fuzzbert, Creek and Poppy!" Branch said the last part frantically. You felt kind of bad. You knew how close Poppy and Branch were with each other. They were best friends. "We have to save them, (Y/n)!" Branch said, he grabbed your hand, but you quickly pulled away. "We? Oh no. You mean you. I'm not going anywhere." You crossed your arms. "But, (Y/n)-" "I'm not going on some suicide mission to save a bunch of trolls I don't even know." You said. "You know what? Fine, don't go. I don't need your help. I can save them on my own." Branch left and slammed the door. You sighed and looked at the wall.

Time Skip

After a while of thinking, you decided to go after him. You knew that Branch wouldn't be able to do this mission alone. You looked all over the forest for him, until you heard a loud scream. You quickly looked and saw Branch being surrounded by a bunch of giant spiders. You could see how afraid he was as they backed him into a corner. You quickly jumped in and attacked the spiders with your hair, sending them away from Branch. "(Y/n)?" Branch asked. You continued to fight the spiders. Suddenly one of the spiders hit you and sent you back. Branch gasped. The spiders began to surround you, until Branch threw a pan at them, catching their attention. "Leave her alone!" Branch said. They went toward you again, and Branch whipped them into a cave, which turned out to be a monster. Branch gasped as the monster looked at him, then went to sleep. "(Y/n)!" Branch ran over and helped you up. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah. Thanks." You said. Branch smiled. "You came." He said. "Well, I figured you could use some help." You said. Branch smiled at you and you began to lead the way. "Well, let's go." You said. Branch walked after you.

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