Poppy X Twin Sister Reader

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You packed your bags with excitement because today you were moving to Pop Village to live with your older twin sister, Queen Poppy. You looked identical, expect she was pink and you were (F/c). Even though you were a little younger, it wasn't really noticeable. You finished packing and went into the hot air ballon. "Okay, calm down, (Y/n). Everything will be okay." You told yourself. To say you were nervous was an understatement. You hadn't seen your sister in a long time. Apparently a lot has happened in the past few years. The Bergens no longer eat trolls, which came as a shock to you. What surprised you even more was that Poppy is actually close friends with a Bergen named Bridget. She said she would tell you the actual story later. She also told you that there were other trolls that were linked to different music other than pop. This surprised you as well. You never would have thought that there would be other kinds of trolls out there. Once you arrived in Pop Village, you took a deep breath, then walked out of the air ballon with your stuff. "Home sweet home." You said as looked around. Of course, Poppy was the first one to greet you. "(Y/n)!" Poppy smiled and waved with excitement. "Hi, Poppy!" You said. The two of you hugged each other. "It's so good to see you! I've missed you so much!" Poppy said. "I've missed you too, big sis." You said. Poppy grabbed your hand. "Well come on! There's a lot of people I want you to meet!" She said. You giggled at her excitement as she walked you over to the other trolls. "Guys, meet (Y/n).
(Y/n) this is Biggie, Mr. Dinkles, Cooper, Guy Diamond, Tiny Diamond, Satin & Chenille (The Fashion Twins), Smidge and
Fuzzbert." Poppy said as she introduced everyone. The group smiled and waved. "Hello!" Cooper said. "Hi there." Biggie said. "Sup?" Guy Diamond asked. "Hey!" The fashion twins said. "Hi (Y/n)." Smidge said. Fuzzbert just made a strange sound. "Hi." You waved at everyone. "You're Poppy's sister, right?" Biggie asked. You nodded. "She's a little shy." Poppy said. "Hey, wasn't there another troll you wanted me to meet?" You asked. "Oh yeah! Branch!" Poppy grabbed your hand again and began to walk you somewhere. "Come on, (Y/n)! You'll love him!" Poppy said. "He's really sweet, even though he is a bit moody sometimes, and grumpy. But other than that he's a great guy." Poppy said. "Just don't let his grumpiness get to you." Poppy said. You chuckled. Poppy sunk the two of you into his bunker.

You looked and saw a blue troll with royal blue hair going down an elevator. He seemed to be humming to himself. Once the elevator came down, you and Poppy were right behind him. "HI BRANCH!" Poppy shouted. Making you jump slightly, and Branch to jump about ten feet in the air. "Poppy!" Branch said. "Hi!" Poppy said. "You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Branch said. "Sorry." Poppy said. "What do you want?" He asked. "I want you to meet someone, Branch, this is my twin sister, (Y/n), (Y/n) this is my friend, Branch." Poppy said. You came out of hiding and looked at the blue troll. "Oh. Um... hi." Branch waved awkwardly, and you waved back. "So, how come you haven't been around here before?" Branch asked. "Well, it's a long story." You said. "Dad sent her away to protect her." Poppy said. "Protect her? From what?" Branch asked. "The Bergens." You said. "Oh." Branch said. "So where did you live?" Branch asked. "In a small town pretty far away from here." You said. "It was nice, though. Small and quiet. Not too many people lived there." You said. Branch nodded. "So you like quiet too, huh?" He asked. "Well, not always. But sometimes, yes." You said. Branch nodded. Poppy squealed quietly to see you and Branch bonding with each other. She hoped that you and Branch would become as close as she was with him.

Time Skip

Later, Poppy took you to her home where you would stay. "So, how do you like everyone?" She asked. "Well, they're all very, interesting." You said. "And what about Branch?" She asked. "What about him?" You asked. "Do you like him?" Poppy asked. You shrugged. "Like you said. He's a nice guy." You said. Poppy looked a little disappointed. "That's it?" She asked. "Well I did just meet him, Poppy. What else do you want me to say?" You asked. Poppy rolled her eyes, then smiled. "Don't worry, (Y/n). You're my twin sister, so I'm sure everyone will like you as much as they like me." Poppy said. "If you say so." You said. Poppy grabbed your hand. "Of course! Now come on. I'll make us some dinner." Poppy said.

Time Skip

The next day, Poppy told you the plan as she walked with you. "Okay, so since you're new, I thought it would be fun to do something separately with each troll. That way, you can get to know them better while doing something they like." Poppy said. "Poppy, are you sure this is a good idea?" You asked. "Positive." She said. First she saw Biggie. "Hi, Biggie!" She waved. "Oh. Hi, Queen Poppy." He said. "So, I was thinking that you and (Y/n) could do something together." Poppy said. "You know, get to know each other." Poppy said. "Okay. Sounds good to me. What about you, (Y/n)?" Biggie asked. You nodded. "Great! Have fun! See you later, sis!" Poppy said. You looked awkwardly at the ground. "So, what do you want to do?" Biggie asked. "Huh?" You looked at him. "What do you want to do together?" Biggie asked. "Oh. Um..." you said. You wished Poppy hadn't left you behind. You weren't the best at communicating with new people. "Oh. This is Mr. Dingles by the way." Biggie said, he shoved you the small worm he was holding. "Is he your pet?" You asked. "Well, not really. He's more like, my best friend, right Mr. Dinkles?" Biggie asked. He just squeaked. "Aw. I love you too." Biggie said. You giggled. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Dinkles." You said. He squeaked again. "He says it's nice to meet you too, (Y/n)." Biggie said. He squeaked. "What do you mean I said her name wrong?" Biggie asked. Another squeak.  "Princess?" Biggie asked. Squeak. "I know she's a princess, she's Poppy's sister." Biggie said. Squeak. "Look, just because she's a princess doesn't always mean I have to call her Princess (Y/n). Poppy said just (Y/n) was fine." Squeak. You sighed as Biggie continued to bicker with his friend. "So?" You asked. "Oh! Sorry about that. Want to play hide and seek with us?" Biggie asked. "Uh... sure." You said. "Okay. Mr. Dinkles says he wants us to find him. Is that okay with you?" Biggie asked. You nodded, and Biggie smiled. "Great!" Biggie set his friend down. "Okay, Mr. Dinkles, you go hide." He said. Then Biggie started counting. You spent the rest of your time with Biggie trying to find Mr. Dinkles.

Soon Poppy came back. "Hey guys!" She said. "Hi, Poppy." You said. "I'm here for my sister. Did you two have fun?" Poppy asked. "Oh yeah. It was great." Biggie said. "See you later, (Y/n)." Biggie said. Poppy took your hand. "So, how was it?" She asked. "It was pretty fun. Biggie is really nice." You said. "That's awesome!" Poppy said. "That's one down, seven more to go!" Poppy said.  Next Poppy took you to Dj Suki. "Dj Suki, this is my sister, (Y/n)." Poppy said. Dj Suki smiled. "Hi, (Y/n)! I'm Dj Suki! But you can just call me Dj!" She said. "All right. I'll leave you guys to it!" Poppy said as she left. Dj Suki walked up to you. "So (Y/n), you like music?" She asked. You nodded. You spent your time with Dj Suki listening to music. You didn't sing any songs, since you were still kind of shy around her, but you still had fun with her. Next Poppy took you to the fashion twins. "Hey (Y/n). Want to help us make some new outfits?" Satin asked. You nodded. "All right. Let's do it!" Chenille said. You helped Satin and Chenille make some new outfits for the other trolls. Next you spent time with Guy Diamond and his son Tiny Diamond. Then you met Cooper, and the last troll you met was Smidge. You had fun today. Even though you were shy, you still really liked everyone, and they liked you too. The only one you seemed to have a problem with, was Branch. He was always so quiet. It was hard to tell if he liked you or not. But unfortunately, Poppy kept trying to get the two of you to hang out together. After the next few days, Poppy had an idea. She walked into the kitchen to see you at the table. "Hi (Y/n)!" She said. You jumped. "Oh. Poppy. You scared me." You said. "Sorry. So, how do you like it here?" Poppy asked, as she sat across from you. You smiled. "It's great. Everyone here is really nice. And they all love the same things we do." You said. Poppy smiled. "I know, right? That's why I wanted you to move here! I knew you would be happy with me and the others!" Poppy,said. "I am." You said.

Time Skip

"Hey, (Y/n), I need help planning out a new hug time schedule. Can you help me?" She asked. "Sure." You said. You followed Poppy as she led you through the village. You then gasped as you saw that the trolls had throw a party for you. "Surprise!" Poppy said. "You like it?" Poppy asked. You were speechless. "I know that I've done a lot recently, but I just really want you to stay here in Pop Village. We can rule together." Poppy said. You looked at everyone as they smiled at you and Poppy. "So, will you stay?" Poppy asked. "Oh, Poppy. You didn't have to do all this. Of course I'm staying. You're my sister. I'm not leaving you again." You said. You and Poppy hugged each other and everyone cheered.  "You're the best sister ever." Poppy said. "No, you are." You said.

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