Delta Dawn X Reader

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You were visiting Lonesome Flats with Poppy and Branch. They wanted to see how the country trolls were doing, and Poppy asked if you wanted to come along. You didn't have anything else to do at the moment, so you agreed to go. You, Poppy and Branch arrived in the small town. You looked around. You have never see any other music trolls before, so all of this was pretty new to you. You looked around in wonder. Then you suddenly heard "YEE HAW!" You looked and saw a troll with four legs and a hat on. She had long orange hair, and a blueish green tail, and a small white hat. "There she is! Come on, Y/N!" Poppy said as she grabbed your hand and pulled you over, Branch followed. "Hi, Delta!" Poppy said as she ran and hugged her. "Hey, sweetie. Good to see you." Delta said. Poppy then let go and came over to you. "Who's this?" Delta asked. "Delta, this is our friend, Y/N. Y/N, this is Delta Dawn, leader of the country trolls." Poppy said. You looked at Delta. "Nice to meet you." You said. Delta smiled. "Nice to meet you too, sweetie." Delta said. You smiled a little bit and looked away shyly. "She's a little shy." Poppy said. "Aw, well there's no need to be shy around us, sweetie. We don't bite." Delta said. "Except for Clampers. Just watch out for that one." Branch said. "Hi Y/N!" Clampers said as he came out from Delta's hair. "Hi." You said. "So, what brings you here?" Delta asked. "We just came to check on you and see how you guys were doing." Poppy said. "Oh. We're doing fine." Delta said. "Well, that's good to hear." Branch said. "Growly, growl?" A purple troll with a green mustache came over. "No worries, Growly Pete. They're our friends." Delta said. He nodded, then walked off. "Well, it was great to see you guys again." Delta said. "You too." Poppy said. "Hey, can I stay? I kind of want to look around and get to know the country trolls." You said. "Sure! We'll see you later! Come on, Branch." Poppy said. Branch nodded, then followed Poppy. "See ya, Y/N." He said.

"So, how does your music sound?" You asked. "Would you like a hear a song?" Delta asked. You nodded. "All right. Everyone, get ready. We're going to sing for our guest here." Delta said. All of the country trolls gathered around. You sat down to watch. You listened as the country trolls sang (C/s). You liked it a lot. When it was over, you clapped. "That was awesome!" You said. Delta smiled. "Aw, thanks sweetie." She said. "What do country trolls like to do besides music?" You asked. "Well, I'll show you." She said. You spent the rest of the day with Delta. You liked her a lot. Soon, Poppy and Branch came to pick you up. "Hey, Y/N!" Poppy waved. "Hi, Poppy." You said. "Ready to go?" Branch asked. You nodded. "Thanks for everything, Delta. I loved your music." You said. Delta smiled. "Thank you. I hope to see you again." She said. You waved, then left with Poppy and Branch. "So, how was it?" Poppy asked. "It was great. The country trolls are really cool." You said. "Yeah?" Branch asked. You nodded. "Can I come here again?" You asked. "Sure." Poppy said.

Time Skip

You had visited the country trolls every day since then. There was just something that you loved about them.  And the one you liked the most was Delta Dawn. You and Delta became best friends. You were also pretty close with Clampers. And Clampers liked you a lot. They were both always happy to see you. And so were the other country trolls. Today was just like any other day as you went back to visit them. "Hi, Delta!" You said as you smiled and waved at her. She smiled as she saw you. "Hi, sweetie." She said. You hugged her. "Hi Y/N!" Clampers said as she jumped out from Delta's hair. "Hey, bud." You said. "So, how is my best friend today?" Delta asked. You smiled. "Pretty good. How about you?" You asked. "We're doing great!" Delta said. "Glad to hear it." You said. You spent the rest of the day there. "Y/N, can I ask you something?" Delta asked. You nodded. "Sure." You said. "Why do you like to come here so much?" She asked. "Isn't it obvious? You guys are my friends. Plus, even though I'm a pop troll, I love country troll music and culture." You said. Delta smiled. "Well, you can come and visit us anytime you want." She said. You smiled. "I will." You said. "It's almost noon. Want to sing with us, Y/N?" Delta asked. "Of course." You said. You sung some country songs with the other country trolls. The country trolls loved it when you sung with them. Especially Delta. She thought your voice was beautiful. Delta had grown to like everything about you. And the other country trolls had noticed her feelings for you. They thought it was cute.

Time Skip

Unfortunately, as days went by, your life began to get harder and harder for you. Your mother grew very ill, and your father was too busy with work to help, so you had to take care of her by yourself. And to say you were worried about her was an understatement. You did everything you could to get her back to health. Because of this, you had started to visit the country trolls less and less. And they began to miss you. They were also starting to worry about you, especially Delta Dawn. She was afraid that eventually you would stop coming at all. So one day she and the other country trolls decided to come to Pop Village to see you.

"Y/N!" You turned, and saw some of the country trolls, including Delta. "Delta!" You ran and hugged her. She hugged back. "Hi, Y/N." She said. "Hi, Delta! It's so good to see you!" You said. "It's good to see you too." Delta said. "Y/N!" You laughed as Clampers jumped out from her hair onto your hands. "Hey, Clamps." You said. "Growly, growl." Growly Pete said as he smiled. "What brings you guys here?" You asked. "We wanted to come see you." Delta said. "Really?" You asked. They nodded. "Miss Delta here was worried about ya." Growly Pete said. You looked at her. Was she... blushing? "Aw. Thanks, guys. I'm sorry I haven't been coming over for a while. I've been kind of busy lately." You said. "It's okay. We just wanted to make sure you were okay." A country troll said. The country trolls immediately knew something was wrong. They could see that you weren't as cheerful as you usually were. "Sorry, but I have to go. I'll see you guys later." You said. You walked away. Later that night, Delta came to see you again. She saw you sitting on a cliff, looking down. "Y/N?" She asked. You jumped and turned around. "Oh, sorry, sweetie. Didn't mean to scare you." She said. "It's okay." You said. "Are you okay?" Delta asked. "Yeah." You said. Delta sat next to you. "I'm just worried about my mom." You said. "Oh, sweetie." Delta said. She hugged you. "It will be okay." She said. You smiled. "Thank you." You said. You could have sworn you saw her blush again. "Me and the others will always be here if you need us. Okay?" Delta asked. You smiled and nodded.

Time Skip

A few weeks later, your mom was finally getting better. You began to visit the country trolls a lot more again. And they were happy to have you back. "Hi guys!" You said. "Y/N!" Delta smiled. "There she is." Growly Pete said. "It's good to see you." Delta said. "You too." You said. "I wanted to thank you guys for your support back when I was struggling. So, I asked Poppy to throw a party at Pop village tonight. Do you want to come?" You asked. The country trolls looked at each other. "Sure!" Delta said. "A party sounds great." Growly Pete said. "Great! I'll tell Poppy you're all coming." You said.

Time Skip

That night, the country trolls showed up at the village for the party. "Everyone, the country trolls are here!" You said. Everyone cheered. "Hey, Delta!" Poppy waved at her. "Hey, sweetie." Delta smiled. "Okay, everyone. Let's party!" Poppy said. Everyone began to dance and have fun. Delta walked over to you. "Y/N, would you... like to dance?" Delta asked. You smiled. "Sure." You said. Delta looked really happy. You and Delta danced together with the other trolls. You giggled a bit when you saw Poppy and Branch together. Branch looked over at you and Delta and winked. You chuckled. "Hey, Y/N?" Delta asked. "Yeah?" You looked at her. "I... I've been trying to figure out how to say this for a while, but... I really like you." Delta said. You smiled. "I really like you too, Delta." You said. "And, I was wondering, if... maybe... you wanted to... come stay with me in Lonesome Flats?" Delta asked. You were shocked. "I mean... if you don't want to, I understand. I just-" You hugged her. "Delta, I'd love to!" You said. Delta smiled and hugged you back. You then heard Branch cheer. You looked and saw him with Poppy. "Oh, guys! I-" "Well, I guess you're moving to Lonesome Flats." Poppy said. "Yeah." You said. Poppy hugged you. "I'll miss you, Y/N." She said. You hugged her back. "I'll miss you too, Queen Poppy." You said. "You'll come and visit us, right?" Poppy asked. You nodded. "Of course I will!" You said. Poppy and Branch walked away from you and Delta to give you more privacy. "I knew they liked each other." Branch said. Poppy smiled. "Me too." She said.

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