Grandma Rosiepuff X Reader

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You were a young and cheerful troll who was (F/c) with (S/fc) hair. You had a mother, but your father passed away at a young age. You also had a best friend who you spent every day with, Branch. You also spent lots of time with his grandma, Rosiepuff. Even though she was his grandma, the two of you were very close. And she loved it whenever you came to visit. It made Branch very happy whenever you came over too. He was always happy to see you. "(Y/n)!" Branch said as he saw you walking over. "Hi, Branch!" You said. The two of you hugged each other. "I'm so happy to see you! I haven't seen you for the past two days. Is everything okay?" Branch asked. You smiled and nodded. "Yup! Everything's fine." You said. "I've just been busy." You said. "Oh. Well, at least you're here now. Want to play?" He asked. You nodded. "Sure!" You said. Rosiepuff smiled as she saw you and Branch laughing and playing with each other. "You're it!" You said. "(Y/n), that's not fair! You're too fast!" Branch said. You laughed and ran away as Branch chased you. "Come back!" He said. "You can't catch me!" You teased. "Oh yeah?" Branch ran after you and jumped on you, "Gotcha!" You laughed. "Branch, get off!" "Ha, I win." Branch said as he got off. Grandma Rosiepuff came out. "Hey, kids." She said. "Hi, Grandma." Branch said. "What are you kids doing?" She asked. "We're just playing Grandma Rosiepuff ." You said. Even though she wasn't your grandma, you still called her grandma sometimes anyway. "And (Y/n) always beats me at everything!" Branch said. You laughed. "I'm sure there's something you're good at. You have a beautiful singing voice." Grandma Rosiepuff said. "Yeah! We should sing, (Y/n)!" Branch said. You nodded. "Okay!" You said. Even though you were acting happy most of the time, Grandma Rosiepuff could easily sense that something was bothering you, even though you would hardly show it.

Time Skip

"(Y/n)?" Grandma Rosiepuff asked when Branch left to get ready for bed. "Yes, Grandma Rosiepuff?" You asked. "Can you come here for a minute?" She asked. You nodded and walked over to her. "Is something bothering you?" She asked. You looked at her in surprise. "What makes you say that?" You asked. "It's just... I've seen the way you look sometimes when you play with Branch, and every now and then you look kind of sad. So I just wanted to make sure you're okay." She said. You smiled at her. "Of course! I'm doing fine." You said. She smiled. "Well, please let me know if there's something wrong." She said. "I will." You said. "You should head home now," she said. "I know. See you later, Grandma Rosiepuff!" You waved as you opened the door. "See you later, sweetie." She said.

Time Skip

The next day when you came to visit, even Branch could tell that something was wrong. He noticed that you weren't as cheerful and energetic as usual. "Hi (Y/n)!" Branch said. "Hi Branch." You said. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing." You said. "Are you sure, you seem kind of... sad." Branch said. "Yes, I'm fine." You said. "So, want to play?" He asked. "I don't really feel like playing." You said. "But we always play." Branch said. "Not today, Branch." You said. "Please? We can play hide and seek." He said. "I said I don't want to." You said. "But why?" Branch asked. "Just 'cause." You said. "That's not a real answer." Branch said. You were getting annoyed. "Geez! What part of "no" don't you understand?! I don't want to play with you! Now leave me alone!" You shouted. You saw tears in his eyes. "Branch-" "grandma!" He ran inside the house crying. You felt bad, but didn't feel like apologizing. You quickly ran away from the house. Meanwhile Grandma Rosiepuff saw Branch come inside and take off his friendship bracelet, then tossed it to the other side of the room. Then saw him sobbing. "Sweetie, what's wrong?" She asked as she walked over and set him on her lap. "(Y/n) doesn't- doesn't like me anymore!" He said. "What? Why?" She asked. "I- I don't know, but I was asking her if she wanted to play and she got mad at me." He said. 'That doesn't sound like (Y/n).' Grandma Rosiepuff thought. "Oh, sweetie." She hugged him. Branch cried and hugged her back. "I'm sure she still likes you. She's probably just upset." She said. Branch sniffed. "Really?" He asked. She smiled. "Of course. You two are best friends, right?" She asked. Branch slowly nodded. "You stay here. I'll go get her, okay?" She asked. Branch nodded.

Grandma Rosiepuff then went out to look for you. She then saw you by yourself crying. "(Y/n)?" She asked. You quickly turned around. "Grandma Rosiepuff?" You asked. She walked over. "Are you okay? Branch told me you got mad at him." She said. More tears fell from your eyes. "Oh, sweetie." Grandma Rosiepuff went to comfort you. You cried into her lap. "I'm so sorry, Grandma Rosiepuff! I didn't mean to be mean to your grandson!" You said. "I know, sweetie." She said. "I knew that something's been bothering you for a while now. That's why I wanted to talk to you about it last night. But it seemed you didn't want to, so I didn't want to push it." She said. You sniffed and rubbed your eyes. "The truth is, my mom, she..." you said. "She's gone." You said. Her eyes widened. Your mother... her friend... had died? "How?" She asked. "She got taken away." You hiccuped. "Oh, (Y/n). Come here." She hugged you, and you hugged her back. "Now I don't- have any family- left." You said. "Well, you have me and Branch." She said. You looked at her in surprise. "Would you like to stay with us, (Y/n)?" She asked. You smiled and nodded. "Of course!" You said. She laughed. "I thought so. Come on, let's go home." She said. Grandma Rosiepuff took you back to the house. "I'm sorry about earlier (Y/n)." Branch said. You smiled. "It's okay. I'm sorry too." You said. Branch smiled. "Branch, I have some good news." Grandma Rosiepuff said. "Really?" He asked. She nodded. "(Y/n) is going to be staying here with us." She said. His eyes widened. "Really? How long?" He asked. "Forever." Grandma Rosiepuff said. Branch got really excited. "Wait, really?! So that means, I have a new sister!" Branch hugged you. You hugged back. Grandma Rosiepuff laughed. "All right you two. Off to bed." She said. You and Branch nodded.

That night Grandma Rosiepuff tucked you in bed. "Goodnight, (Y/n)." She said. "Goodnight. Hey, now that you're taking care of me like Branch, do I still call you Grandma Rosiepuff or should I call you mom?" You asked. She smiled. "You can call me either one." She said. You smiled. "Okay." You said. However, before she left. "Grandma Rosiepuff?" You asked. She turned and looked at you. "Yes, sweetie?" She asked. "You'll always be here for me, right?" You asked. She smiled. "Of course I will." She said. You smiled. "I love you, Grandma Rosiepuff." You said. "I love you too, (Y/n)."

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