Queen Barb x Sister reader

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"Queen Barb sure seems happy today." Riff said. "Yeah, dude. Her sister is coming today." Carol said. "Oh yeah. I forgot." Riff said. "Whoo! My sister is coming!" Barb said. "I can't wait to see (Y/n)! It's been such a long time since we've seen each other!" She said. "I know right? Not since you had the world tour." Carol said. "Yeah. And thanks for that reminder." Barb said sarcastically. "Sorry." Carol said. "It's okay. We're past such things. Which reminds me, (Y/n) will get to meet Popsqueak while she's here!" Barb said. "Now everyone, get ready for (Y/n)'s arrival! I want everything to be perfect for my sister." Barb said. "Yes, ma'am." Everyone said. A few hours later, Queen Barb was waiting by the door. After a few minutes, you knocked on the door. "Come in!" Barb said. You opened the door. "Your majesty." Queen Barb bowed down. You did too. "Oh. Right. Greetings, your majesty." You said. Queen Barb chuckled. "I'm just kidding, (Y/n). We're sisters. We don't have to be so formal with each other." Queen Barb said. "Oh. Right." You said. "Everyone, this is my sister, (Y/n). She's queen of another rock troll tribe." Queen Barb explained. Everyone greeted you. "Hi guys." You waved. "Nice to meet you, Queen (Y/n)." Carol said. "Please, just call me (Y/n)." You said. She nodded. "I'm so glad you're here, little sis. We have so much to catch up on!" Queen Barb said. "I know." You said. "For starters, I met some new pop trolls." She said. "And here I thought you hated pop." You smirked. "Well, turns out they're not so bad." Queen Barb said. "And what made you change your mind?" You asked. "Long story." Barb said. You laughed. "It's good to see you again, sis." You said. "You too." Barb said.

Time Skip

It had been a few days since you had arrived. Queen Barb had told you everything that had happened recently. She told you how she had tried to take over by finding the six strings, how she had hired trolls to stop the other trolls, and how she had become friends with Poppy and the other pop trolls. Needless to say you were very interested in what had happened while you were gone. You had then told her everything that happened with you and your tribe. It wasn't nearly as interesting as what happened with her. "So, you and the pop trolls are friends now?" You asked. "Yup. You should meet them while you're here, sis." Queen Barb said. You smiled. "I think I will." You said. She laughed, then went quiet. "Sis?" You asked. "So, I was thinking..." she said. "What?" You asked. "I was thinking about how nice it would be to have you back with me, not just for this week." Queen Barb said. "I know you miss me, sis. And I miss you too. But we have our own tribes to take care of now." You said. "I know. But I was thinking, it doesn't have to be that way." She said. "Huh?" You asked. She looked at you. "I was... thinking maybe, you could stay here with me. And we could, maybe.... combine our tribes." Queen Barb said. Your eyes widened. "Huh?!" You asked. "I just thought that, ya know, since both our tribes are the same music, that it could work. Ya know? I mean it's not like your queen of pop or something. And then we could be one big family again. And we can both rule as sisters." Queen Barb said. "I.... I don't know. I mean your theory does seem nice, but..." you said. "But what? Come on, sis. It will be great! I know it will!" Queen Barb said. "Barb, I'm not so sure this is a good idea." You said. "Why not?" She asked. "Well, for starters, our tribes don't even know each other. Just because they're the same with their music doesn't mean they're the same with everything else. What if they don't get along?" You asked. Queen Barb scoffed. "Nonsense. All rock trolls get along. I mean just look at me and Carol. And you have been getting along great with everyone here since you came over." Queen Barb said. "Barb, I just don't think your idea will work out. I know how much you miss me, and want me to stay with you, but we have responsibilities now. Things are different now, Barb." You said. "But they don't have to be." Queen Barb said. "Yes they do!" You shouted. This surprised her. "Oh, Barb, I-" You said. "Fine, (Y/n). I get it. Things are different now. I'll see you later, I guess." Queen Barb walked away. You felt terrible.

Time Skip

"(Y/n), you okay?" Riff asked. You sighed. "No. I think I hurt Barb's feelings." You said. "So? Then just apologize to her. I'm sure she'll forgive her own sister." Riff said. "It's not that easy." You said. "What do you mean?" Carol asked. "She wants me to stay here. Forever." You said. "Oh." Riff said. "Well, that just means that she loves you, (Y/n)." Carol said. "I know. I wish we could, but I'm not sure if our two tribes would get along the same way we do." You said. "Ah. Well, we like you, (Y/n). And even if you can't be here all the time, you can come visit us whenever you want." Carol said. You smiled. "Thanks, guys. I'm gonna find Barb." You said. You left the room to find your sister. Queen Barb suddenly came running over. "(Y/n)!" She said. You stopped her. "What? What's wrong?" You asked. "Some of my trolls are missing!" She said. "What?" You asked. She nodded. "I had just gone to make sure that everyone was here, and some of my members are gone." She said. "Have you seen them?" She asked. "Some rock trolls are missing?" You asked. She nodded. "Don't worry, sis. I'm sure they're fine. I'll help you look." You said. She smiled. "Thanks." She said. You and the other rock trolls had split up to find the missing rock trolls. However, during the search, more of them went missing. All of you went back to the vehicle with even less rock trolls then before. "What's happening?!" Queen Barb asked. "I... I don't know." You said. This was so strange. Why were the rock trolls disappearing all of a sudden? You tried your best to come up with answers, but couldn't find any. Then you had an idea. "I know! Why don't we go ask the pop trolls for help? You did say you were friends now, right?" You asked. "Good idea, sis!" Queen Barb said. "Let's go!"

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