Mayhem At The Ministry

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Rosabella's Point Of View:
Mr Weasley woke us after only a few hours of sleep. I looked around for Winter, she hadn't moved from the spot she was in when I feel asleep. I got out of bed and scratched her head.
"It's over for now." I said softly.

Winter licked my hand but continued to stand gaurd.

I got dressed and combed my hair and it fell naturally around my shoulders. Hermione, Ginny, Winter and I all left the tent when we were ready. Mr Weasley used magic to pack up the tents and we left the campsite as quickly as possible.

We passed Mr Roberts, who was standing by his front door to his cottage. Mr Roberts had a sort of a dazed look about him. He waved us off with vague, "Merry Christmas".
"He'll be alright. Sometimes, when a person's memory is modified, it makes them a bit disoriented for awhile and it was a big thing we had to make them forget." Mr Weasley said quiety.

We heard urgent voices as we approached the spot where the Portkeys lay. There was a great number of witches and wizards gathered around Basil, all clamouring to get away from the campsite as quickly as possible. Mr Weasley had a hurried conversation with Basil and we were soon holding a rubber tyre that took us back to Stoathead Hill, where we had gone to get the Portkey that took us to Quiditch World Cup.

The sun wasn't all the way risen as we walked back to the Borrow. We didn't talk much cause we were all exhausted. Winter didn't leave my side and I noticed she kept scanning the area. The Burrow came into view and a cry echoed along the damp lane.
"Oh, thank goodness, thank goodness! Remus, they're back!" Mrs Weasley exclaimed as she came running towards us.

She had evidently been waiting for us, her face was pale and strained. Remus darted out of the house and wasn't far behind Mrs Weasley, his face showed nothing but relief. Remus was also holding a copy of the Daily Prophet but dropped it as he ran out.
Mrs Weasley flung her arms around Mr Weasley.
"Arthur, I've been so worried!" Mrs Weasley said, hysterical.

Remus hugged Michael first, since he was closest.
"Thank Merlin, you're all OK!" Remus said as he threw his arms around the Jason and Jacob.
"You're alive! Oh, boys . . ." Mrs Weasley said as she seized Fred and George, pulling them into a tight hug.

Remus was now hugging Lucas.
"Ouch, Mum — you're strangling us —" Fred and George said.
"I shouted at you before you left! It's all I've been thinking about! What if You-Know-Who had got you, and the last thing I ever said to you was that you didn't get enough OWLS? Oh, Fred . . . George . . ." Mrs Weasley said as she began to sob.

Remus then hugged me tightly, I could feel him shaking and sighing in relief.
"Harry, Hermione, Ron are you all OK?" Remus asked still hugging me.

They all nodded their heads.

Mr Weasley was then trying to soothe his wife and started prising her off Fred and George and lead her back to the house.
"Come on, Molly, we're all perfectly OK. Bill, pick up that paper, I want to see what it says." Mr Weasley said, as he lead Mrs Weasley inside.

We all crammed into the tiny kitchen and Hermione and I made Mrs Weasley a cup of very strong tea. Because of the lack of room, Winter left my side for the first time in hours but she was standing gaurd at the front door. Mr Weasley then read the paper that was being harsh on the Ministry and the lack of security at the World Cup.
"Let me guess. It was written by Rita Skeeter." I said to Mr Weasley.
"Indeed, it is." Mr Weasley responded.
"That women's got it in for the Ministry of Magic! Last week she was saying we're wasting our time quibbling about clauldron thickness, when we should be stamping out vampires. As if it wasn't specifically stated in paragraph twelve of the Guidelines for Treatment of Non - Wizard Part - Humans —" Percy said furiously.
"Do us a favour, Perce, and shut up." Bill said, yawning.

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