The Four Champions

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Rosabella's Point Of View:

Harry sat there as every head in the Great Hall had turned to look at him. There was no applause. At first I was angry that after everything he's been through, the amount of times he's nearly die, that he would enter a Tournament that's known for its death toll. But when I saw the look on Harry's face, I knew he didn't do it. He looked terrified and just as confused as the rest of us, if not more. Harry was frozen in his seat. Professor McGonagall was on her feet and rushed over to whisper urgently to Dumbledore. Harry turned to look at Hermione, Ron and I.
"I didn't but my name. You know I didn't." Harry said blankly.
"Harry Potter! Harry! Up here, if you please!" Dumbledore called again.
"Go on." I whispered, giving Harry a slight push.

Harry got up and stumbled slightly. He set off up the gap between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables. Harry then disappeared as he entered the side table. A handful of the Professors rushed into the side chamber. We were instructed to go back to our common rooms.
"He didn't do it." I whispered urgently to Ron and Hermione.

Ron looked impassive but as I study his face I could see traces if anger. Maybe he's angry that Harry's in danger once again?
"Of course he didn't do it. Did you see his face? Harry's not that great an actor. There's no way he did it. I don't think he would even know how!" Hermione said, extremely worried.

Ron stayed quiet throughout our conversation. Lucas also believed that Harry didn't enter his name.
"Harry hates the fame he gets from being the Boy Who Lived. Nevermind what it would be like if the glory of winning the Triward Tournament was added to that. Plus I saw his face. He looked in no way happy about it." Lucas said, holding hands with Fiona, both of them looking anxious for Harry.

We all waited in Gryffindor Common Room for Harry to get back. After twenty minutes of waiting the portrait opened and Harry was dragged inside.
"You should've told us you'd entered!" Fred bellowed, looking half annoyed, half deeply impressed.
"How did you do it without getting a beard? Brilliant!" George roared.
"I didn't. I don't know how —" Harry tried to say but Angelina had now swooped down on him.
"If it couldn't be me I'm glad it's a Gryffindor at least." Angelina said, happily.
"You'll be able to get Diggory back for the last Quiditch match!" Jason exclaimed.
"We got food, Harry come and have some." Jacob said, eagerly.
"I'm not hungry. I had enough at the feast —" Harry tried to protest but nobody listened.

Nobody wanted to hear that he didn't put his name in. Nobody wanted to hear that he wasn't hungry. They only wanted to know how Harry got passed the Age Line. Lee Jordan had draped Harry in a Gryffindor flag, as if it was a cloak. I tried to force my way towards Harry, but it was proving difficult.

Harry kept trying to get to the staircase but people kept dragging him back. Losing any patience I had, I rushed up to my dormitory and grabbed a handful of Dungbombs. I ran back to the common room and started throwing the Dungbombs into the crowd making them scatter.

I took the opportunity to run up to Harry, however he took the opportunity to try get to his dormitory. As a result we collided into each other.

I didn't stop to register the slight pain it caused. I grabbed Harry's hand and we ran up to his dormitory. Ron was sitting on his bed when we entered.
"Thanks for the rescue, Ro." Harry said, uneasy.
"Anytime." I said as I flung my arms around Harry's neck.
"I believe you, Harry. I know you didn't do it." I whispered into Harry's ear.

Harry hugged me tightly around my waist.

I released Harry and went into the bathroom to wash my hands of the Dungbombs. As I left, Harry was trying to remove the Gryffindor banner Lee put on him. Ron was grinning in an odd, sort of way.

I was drying my hand when I heard Harry shouting.
"I didn't put my name in that Goblet!" Harry said, angrily.

I returned to the dormitory.
"Yeah OK. Only you said this morning you'd have done it last night, and no one would've seen you. I'm not stupid, you know." Ron said in a sceptical tone.

I was shocked.

I thought Ron, of all people, would believe him! Why was he acting like this?
"You're doing a really good impression of it." Harry snapped.
"Yeah? You'll want to get to bed, Harry. I expect you'll need to be early tomorrow for a photocall or something." Ron said with no trace of a grin, forced or genuine.

Ron then wrenched the hangings shut around his bed. Harry looked hurt, shocked and angry all at the same time. I walked over and pulled him into another tight hug.
"Get some rest." I said, simply.

I then left the boys dormitory and went to my own. Looks like I'll be spending the year protecting Harry. Again.

Rosabella Black | Daughter of Sirius Black | (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now