Beauxbatons and Durmstrang

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Rosabella's Point Of View:
As soon as the sun started to rise I quietly got dressed and went down to the common room without waking anyone. I was surprised to see Harry in the common room scribbling frantically on a piece of parchment.
"Harry?" I asked softly, as I went to sit next to him.
"Ro, you look exhausted. How much sleep did you get?" Harry said, examining the bags under my silver grey eyes.
"Probably the same amount as you." I countered, examining the bags under his emerald green eyes.
"Couldn't sleep." Harry said simply.
"Sirius?" I said knowingly.
"Yeah. I'll fix it. He can't get caught because of me. I wont let you lose your Dad because of me." Harry insisted.
"Harry, he's coming back to protect you. Because according to him there have been multiple signs that even Dumbledore is aware of. Your scar hurting was probably just the last straw. He might have already considered coming back. It's not your fault, Harry. My Dad managed to avoid getting caught for a whole year with Dementors swarming the place. I get my craftyness from him. He'll be fine, Harry. Everything will be fine." I said kindly in the softest voice I could.
"You're probably right. But I have to try." Harry said, determined.

By now Harry had finished the letter he was writing. I insisted on coming with him and we went up to the Owlery.
It took Harry a little while to convince Hedwig to come down. Only when Harry suggested to use Pidwidgeon did Hedwig co-opperate. I giggled at her defiance.
"Please find him Hegwig." I said, softly.
"Before the Dementors do." Harry added, taking Hedwig over to the window.

She nipped Harry's finger and hooted softly as if she was trying to reassure us. She then spread her wings and took off. Harry still looked worried so I reached up to put my arm around his shoulder. He was getting quite a bit taller then me now. I then ruffled up his hair making it messier then it already is.
"Oi!" Harry said, laughing.

I laughed with him.
"Come on, I'm starving. Hermione and Ron are probably worried so let's not torment them any longer." I said dramatically.

Harry rolled his eyes and smiled. We then went down to the Great Hall together.

"That was a lie, Harry! You didn't imagine your scar hurting and you know it." Hermione said sharply over breakfast.
"So what? He's not going back to Azkaban because of me." Harry said.
"Drop it." Ron said sharply to Hermione, as she was about to argue and for once Hermione listened.
The warning look I gave her may of helped.

I could see Harry was doing his best to keep his mind off of my Dad. Every time I saw him look up to see if Hedwig was back I got his attention and did something goofy that always made him laugh. It helped a little and brought a smile to his face no matter quickly it went. I wish we still had quiditch, that was usually the way to get his mind of things. But lessons were becoming more demanding, especially Defence Against the Dark Arts. To our surprise Professor Moody announced he would be performing the Imperius Curse on us. I felt my jaw drop and I couldn't seem to close it.
"But — but you said it's illegal, Professor. You said — to use it against another human was —" Hermione said uncertainly.
"Dumbledore wants you taught what it feels like. If you'd rather learn the hard way, when someone's putting it on you so they can control you completely, fine by me. You're excused. Off you go." Moody said, pointing towards the door.

Hermione went very pink and muttered something about not meaning she wanted to leave. Harry, Ron and I grinned at each other. The last thing Hermione would ever do is miss an important lesson. I nudged her with my shoulder and stifled a giggle.
"Shut up." Hermione whispered.

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