The Hungarian Horntail

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Rosabella's Point Of View:
I stayed with Hermione intill she was allowed to leave. I had a hard time keeping the smirk off my face when Hermione let Madam Pomfrey shrink her teeth smaller then what they were. Hermione teeth were pretty good before, her front teeth were just a bit bigger then the average size. Now her teeth were perfect.
When we meet up with Harry again he told us that Dad wanted to talk to him face to face on the 22nd November. I was worried about how he was going to do it, but trusted my Dad wouldn't risk getting thrown back into Azkaban when Harry was in potential fatal danger. Hermione, Harry and I were coming up with plans to make sure the common room was empty on that night. As a last resort, I would drop a bunch of Dungbombs.
Life had become much worse for Harry when Rita Skeeter published an article on the Triwizard Tournament. I knew that practically none of it was true. Harry would never say any of these things and I've never seen Harry cry. The Slytherins were having the time of their lives making fun of Harry. I think I ended up sending most of Slytherin house to the hospital wing, more then once. I sent a good amount of Ravenclaws there too and, to my surprise, a lot of Hufflepuffs. You know things are bad when Hufflepuffs start bullying. I've lost count of all the detentions I've been given lately. I have detentions planned every night for about a month.
The article also said that Harry and I were dating, which we weren't.
The article also didn't help the situation with Ron. I was hoping that during our two hour detention they could make up but that was the day the article came out. Ron probably thought the article proved what he was pretending think. That Harry was enjoying the attention.
Hermione and I were becoming furious with the pair of them and we went back and forth as if we were an owl service. Harry was adamant that he would only talk to Ron again when Ron admitted that Harry didn't put his name in the Goblet and apologised for calling him a liar.
"I didn't start this. It's his problem." Harry said stubbornly.
"You miss him!" Hermione said, impatiently.
"And I know he misses you." I said, softly.
"Miss him? I dont miss!" Harry said, defensively.
I could tell Harry was lying. It was obvious by the miserable look on his face. Why are boys so prideful? Hermione and I sighed in frustration and shared a tired look.
On the Saturday before the first task it was the first Hogsmeade visit of the year. Harry no longer had to sneak into Hogsmeade since Dad gave him permission last year.
Hermione and I tried to persuade Harry it would be good for him to get away from the castle. Harry didn't need much convincing.
"What about Ron? Don't you want to go with him?" Harry said.
Hermione and I glanced at each other hesitantly.
"Oh . . . well . . ." Hermione said and turning slightly pink.
"We thought we might meet up with him in the Three Broomsticks." I said, preparing for the backlash.
"No." Harry said flatly.
"Oh, Harry, this is so stupid -" Hermione said exasperated.
"I'll come, but I'm not meeting Ron. I'm wearing my Invisibility Cloak." Harry said, determinedly.
"Fine." I said, defeatedly.
"I hate talking to you in that Cloak, I never know if I'm looking at you or not." Hermione groaned.
I chuckled slightly at her.

I could only a imagine how free Harry must feel. No horrible remarks and no one quoting that ridiculous article. But if I was being honest, ever since the article came out I've been thinking about what it would be like to be in a relationship with Harry. It wasn't long till I was fantasizing about it every other day.
"Harry, why don't you take off your cloak off for a bit. No one's going to bother you hear." Hermione pleaded.
"Oh yeah? Look behind you." Harry said.
Hermione and I both turned to see Rita Skeeter and her photographer had just emerged from the Three Broomsticks, talking in low voices.
"She's staying in the village. I bet she's coming to watch the first task." I said after Rita and the photographer passed us.
"She's gone. Why don't we go and have a Butterbeer?" Hermione suggested.
"Yeah it's cold." I agreed.
Harry stayed silent.
"You don't have to talk to Ron!" Hermione and I said irritably.

Rosabella Black | Daughter of Sirius Black | (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now