The Beginning

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Rosabella's Point of View:

I stayed by Harry's side the whole night. The only time I had moved even an inch away from Harry's side was when my brothers, Fiona, Ron and Mrs Weasley were fast asleep in their seats and Hermione was scanning the room, as if she was looking very care fully for something. I raised a curious eyebrow at her.

"There's no way Rita Skeeter isn't going to try write a story on this. She's got to be in here somewhere." Hermione whispered in my ear.

I also scanned for a bug. Hermione was scanning the whole room, but I looked around where Harry was. I saw it. A black beetle on the window sill.

"Hermione, pass me a jar." I whispered extremely quietly.

Hermione gave me a questionable look but got up and grabbed a jar from the cupboard by Madam Pomfrey office and handed it to me.

I subtlety took my wand out my pocket and put an Unbreakable Charm on the jar. As quick as lightning I caught the beetle in the jar. The beetle buzzed in panic.

"I think I got her." I said simply to Hermione's surprised expression.

Hermione grinned eagerly and rushed over. We both stared intently at the bug and we noticed that the antenna's had the same marking as those awful glasses of hers. I quickly lifted the jar and I slammed the lid on quickly, sealing Rita Skeeter in. She buzzed angrily at me. I grinned back. I tossed the jar to Hermione and she caught it. I returned to my seat by Harry and held his hand again.

"She's all yours. I put an Unbreakable Charm on there. She won't be able to change back or get out intill you decide to let her." I said, smirking.

"Ro, you are truly brilliant." Hermione said, beaming.

"I just assisted, you figured it out." I said, tiredly.

I rested my head on the edge of the bed and I let sleep consume me, my fingers still entwined with Harry's.

I offered to stay with Harry when he met with the Diggory's but he wanted to do it alone. I went to breakfast with Ron and Hermione while Harry met with them. Dumbledore requested that students leave Harry alone and not to badger him to tell the story of what happened in the maze. A month later and people were still avoiding eye contact and whispered about Harry as he passed, but a glare from me would usually shut them up. Dad hadn't written to us in that time and we were all waiting for word or some sign of what was going on outside of Hogwarts. Voldemort was back and now nothing was the same.

There's no doubt that a second wizarding war will happen, and Harry will be at the centre of it, and I'll be there for him in anyway he needs. He won't have to do it alone.

Mrs Weasley had apparently asked Dumbledore if Harry could go straight to the Burrow this summer but Dumbledore wanted Harry to go back to Dursleys, at least at first.

"Why?" Harry said.

"She said Dumbledore's got his reasons. I suppose we've got to trust him, haven't we?" Ron said, shaking his head darkly.

As we no longer had a Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, we had those lessons free and one time on a Thursday we went to go see Hagrid. It was a bright and sunny day and as we bounded towards the cabin, Fang came out and started barking and wagging his tail. Hagrid came out to meet us and he pulled Harry into a one-armed hug and ruffled his hair.

"Good ter see yeh, mate. Good ter see yeh." Hagrid said and led us inside.

I raised a curious eyebrow at the two bucket-siezed cups on the wooden table.

Rosabella Black | Daughter of Sirius Black | (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now