528 28 34

★Third Person POV★

Aoi was currently comforting Yashiro in the school's garden. Nene tried to show her best friend that she saw okay with everything that has happened. She was pulling out weed from the ground but she still had that sad look on her face. "I'm really okay Ao-chan. It doesn't matter anyway. He wasn't my type to begin with."

Aoi sighed at her friend's depressed aura. It was clear the purple-haired girl wasn't going to give up on the matter soon. She just hoped that Mitsuba will come back with positive results. "Nene-chan it's very clear you're not okay. Everything may seem horrible now but I'm sure it'll be alright in the end!" She told her friend.

"Ao-chan how can I even compete with that girl?! Have you seen her?! She looks so beautiful and her legs are so slender...." Nene said the last part silently. "Does that matter?! You're just as cute as her! Looks aren't everything you know! Your personality is much more important!" Aoi stated.

"Yeah but-

"Sorry to interrupt but can I talk to you Aoi-senpai?" Mitsuba appeared behind the two. Aoi sighed cause of the conversation was cut short but was also delighted to hear the report from Mitsuba. "Yeah let's go! I'll be right back Nene-chan!" Aoi told her best friend while she and Mitsuba left the cream-colored girl in the garden.

"So you got anything?! Anything at all?! Nene-chan is pretty depressed so I hope you didn't mess this up!" Aoi said. "Wait...! Before I tell you..... When do I get my flan pudding?" Mitsuba pouted. "I'll give it you at the end of the day now tell me!"

"Well uhm you see..." Mitsuba began to shift awkwardly. Aoi notice his strange behavior and started to get worried.

"Mitsuba-kun. What. Did. You. Do?!" Mitsuba flinched at her question but it was more like a demand. Mitsuba began to explain to her everything that has happened at the broadcasting club room. Aoi looked like she was about to murder the poor pink boy.

"YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!?!?!" Mitsuba knew this was the reaction and so he started stepping backwards away from the angry purple-haired girl. He puts his hands up in defense. "Look in my defense....! The tea was too good!" Mitsuba tried to defend himself. "What do you mean the tea was good?!" She yelled at him.

"It just was okay!" Mitsuba shot back. Aoi sighed at her kouhai. She wanted to murder him right in the spot but she didn't want to murder her only accomplice just yet.

"Now is not the time to argue! We're gonna figure out how to fix your mess!" Aoi exclaimed. "My mess?! This is your fault too you know! Why should I even help you?! I'm out!" Mitsuba began to walk away but stopped as a just too tight grip on his shoulder made Mitsuba squeal. He turned to see Aoi smile sweetly but actually it seemed more threatening. "Fine go ahead leave. Just to let you know if you don't help me.... I'll ask Akane-kun to bisband the photography club."

Mitsuba gulped at her dark aura appeared. And of course the words of the photography club disbanding if she'll ask her childhood friend who's insanely in love with her and just so happens to be vice president and is willing to do anything for her. Mitsuba sweated nervously and then laughed suddenly. "You know I'll help this is my mess after all!"

"Good!" She smiled cheerfully. Mitsuba sighed. She can be just like her brother sometimes. But she's more scary then Tsukasa to be honest.

"So how are we gonna fix this? Amane-nii thinks Nene-chan likes Minamoto-senpai." Aoi sighed.

A light bulb appeared above Mitsuba's head. He started to state proudly at his idea. "I know! Radish-senpai can cause Crazy knife some jealously!"

Aoi hummed in thought. She couldn't see another way and it just might work. If Nene acts like she's in love with Minamoto, Amane is bound to get jealous and confess his love to her! "That's not an bad idea! Well it's the only idea we have at the moment. Great thinking Mitsuba-kun!" Aoi praised her kouhai.

Mitsuba was to busy admiring himself for thinking of the great idea he thought. 'Wow looks and brains! What can't I do?'

"Mitsuba-kun!" Aoi snapped him back to reality. "Okay now that we found a solution we just need to think of the plan!" Aoi said.

"I think I know! We can't obviously do this alone so I suggest we ask Lame-ass traffic earing to help us!" He praised his idea. "Hmm we do need someone who can follow clear instructions. And he is Minamoto-senpai little brother so yeah this might actually work! Great idea let's go ask him now!" Aoi dragged Mitsuba to the middle school building. "Yeah I know I'm-- wait what do you mean we need someone who can follow instructions?!" He shouted but was completely ignored.

They found Kou with his friends Yokoo and Satou. The two asked him to talk privately but of course Mitsuba had to comment about how his traffic earing was lame. Aoi stopped Mitsuba from his insults for awhile as she explained him the situation and was quite puzzled in the end.

"Wait what? You two want my help to get that pervert to confess to Senpai?" He questioned. "Yeah that's right! Minamoto-kun please help us!" The purple-haired girl practically begged. "It's just I'm getting sick of those two not admitting their feelings and not to mention Mitsuba just made everything worse!"

"I said I was sorry!" Aoi glared the pink haired boy. Mitsuba didn't apologize once so Aoi was a bit ticked off. "No you didn't! You just said the tea was good! What kind of excuse is that anyway?!" Aoi glared at him. "Hey that's a legit excuse! You shouldn't be blaming someone cute like me anyway!"

"Uhm guys...." Kou tried to get their attention but was ignored by the two. They were arguing back and forth. Until Kou had enough at their bickering.


They both stopped and looked at Kou a bit annoyed ruining their argument. Kou sighed and rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Yeah I'll help you guys! Anything for Senpai!" Aoi smiled while Mitsuba was complaining about how long it took for him to give them his answer.

"Okay! Operation: Make Amane jealous so he can he confesses his love to Nene-chan and then they live happily ever after, is ago!" Aoi cheered. Both two boys sweatdropped at the operation name. They thought that only Amane was the one who made up such ridiculous names.

"Creative title....."

"Looks like bad naming at operations runs in the family."

"Hey I heard that!" Aoi pouted.

The trio start walking away and planning their next move.

Little did they know a rat heard their entire conversation....

"Hehehe this is gonna be fun to watch~"


It sucks right TwT
I hate myself for making such a crappy chapter T^T

Also my update schedule is every once a week idk ╮( ˘ 、 ˘ )╭

¡Rikka out!

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