Chapter 4

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~Jessica's p.o.v.~

 I woke up and admired my bracelet that i was still wearing from last night. I smiled and put on my slippers. I went into the bathroom to get my robe, when all of a sudden I heard people downstairs. I put my robe on and went down stairs to see Mindy annoying the boys. I looked at them then at Mindy. "Mindy, you have five seconds to leave them alone and get upstairs or I will scream and get mom." I said putting my hands on my hips. "You don't scare me Jessica!" Mindy said back.

"Ok then. 1... 2...3... Shall i go on?" I said getting closer to Mindy. Mindy statred getting nerous a bit. "Go right ahead." She said. "4...5..." I said about to scream but she ran upstairs. I laughed at the boys and apologized. "It's fine love, we get that all the time." Zayn said giving a little smile. I walked over to the couch and plopped down on it.

"You guys can sit wherever." I said pointing to the couches and chairs all around the room. All the boys ran over to the couch that I was sitting at and squished themselves in. My mom came out of the kitchen with a tray of cookies and tea. She set the tray on the coffee table and went upstairs. I took a glance at Harry who was already looking at me. He looked down at his phone and started to type something. I looked up at the boys who were all around the coffee table eating and drinking tea.

My phone started to vibrate. I looked at the text that said surprise and I looked up confused. But when I looked up, I saw my mom at the bottom of the stair case with my bags all packed. "What is going on here?" I said as everyone turned and looked at me. "You are coming on tour with us." Niall said smiling. "What!?!?" Mindy and I said in unison. It seems that Mindy snuck back downstairs.

 "Well do you?" Harry said smiling and putting his hands in his pockets. "Yes!" I said hugging Harry without think. We both blushed and walked away from each other. I saw Louis give Harry a smirk. I went over to my mom and grabbed my bags from her hands. My sister just gave me a look. I put my bags down and gave my mom a big hug good-bye.

I turned around and saw Liam and Niall walking out to the car with my bags. "Well... I guess I am going then. Bye." I said walking to the door. I slowly closed the door behind me and walked up to Zayn who was waiting for me. Once we got in the car, we started heading to their house. We got there and walked up the driveway. I stood there in amazement. The house was huge and beautiful.

I ran up to the boys who were waiting at the door. Liam unlocked the door and we all walked in. Niall took my bag and brought them to my room. The phone rang and Harry answered it. "I need to go meet management." Harry said getting his coat back on.  He got the keys and went out to the car. I watched as he drove away.

Niall came back down and went straight for kitchen. I followed and watched as Niall made a sandwich. I made one myself and we sat next to each other eating in silence. I wondered to myself why only Harry had to see management. After an hour or two, Harry finally got home. He slammed the door when he got in and thrown his keys on the desk. I walked into the living room to see what happened.

He just ignored everyone and went upstairs. Everyone exchanged glances with each other. Louis looked at the time and saw that it was getting kind of late. "Well I'm going off to bed. Night everyone." Louis said walking to his room. The boys did the same. Everyone went to sleep. In the morning, I heard a different voice that came from a girl.

I put my robe and went downstairs to see Harry and another girl talking on the couch. The closer I went the more I could see of the girl. That girl was Taylor Swift. I was confused but then I heard the fire alarm go off. I took the fire extinguisher and ran into the kitchen to see Niall a complete mess standing there. Once Liam fixed the alarm, I helped Niall clean up and we made everyone breakfast. I called everyone in for breakfast and everyone was at the table except Harry.

I got up to go get him and I saw him and Taylor making out. I froze for a second, feeling a little hurt. "It's time to eat Harry." I said not looking at them and walking away before he could decline. Harry and Taylor walked in holding hands. I brought a big plate of pancakes onto the table and sat down into a chair next to Zayn. Harry sat across from me and Taylor sat next to him. "Where is my plate?" Taylor said in a rude tone.

"Excuse me?" I said the calmest I could. "I said where is my plate?" Taylor said once again. I got up and got her a plate and utensils. I decided not to fight with her on the first day of living here. Once I setted them down I took my plate of food and got my glass of orange juice. "I'm eating in my room." I said heading upstairs. I set my plate on the desk and began to eat it.

Once I finished, I went back to the kitchen and put my things in the sink. I looked down at the bracelet that Harry gave me the first day we met. I sighed and went into the living room where everyone was. I sat next to Liam on the couch. "You ok love?" Liam whispered into my ear. "Just peachy." She said resting her head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me and rubbed my arm to comfort me.

A One Direction Love Story {RE EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now