Chapter twelve : in awe

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first person pov (Darryl)

I could feel it, I could feel the memories as if they were mine. Sound of floorboards creaking has gotten closer, he's gotten heavier. This small place starting to show my back the consequences, but it was worth a little pain if he was comfortable.

I could see them, as well as the pain within them, but also the happiness even though is been shadowed over. Zak was strong, this kid had gone through more than most adults could handle.

I could feel his warm breath on my chest, I looked down seeing his eyes now closed, as well as I could feel that his breathing has gotten heavier, he was asleep.

A small smile tugged itself on my lips, seeing how peaceful he looked.

" we've checked everywhere Isaac!" Adam's voice came from outside the closest, I was so focused on zak I didn't even hear the door open, or them coming in. "there's one last place we haven't checked" Isaac whispered.

We were about to be found.

I closed my eyes, pretending to sleep like zak as the creaking got closer. I heard Issac whisper something to Adam, I couldn't make anything out of it though before the closet doors opened.

The lights in the room were now on and im sure if I didn't have my eyes closed it would've blinded me.

I expected them to say something, or scare us, but nothing came, it was completely quiet. " I gotta take a picture of this" Isaac whispered and the sound of pictures getting taken following fast after.

Adam who was quiet until now started laughing, "you gotta send them to me bro, Zak is so gonna delete them off your phone when he finds out" Adam chuckled, walking closer to me and zak.

" I got you," Isaac said, chuckled, "but how are we gonna get them out of there, we can't leave them there it looks really uncomfy man" Adam whispered to Isaac, this was probably a good time to "wake up" for me.

"well wake Darryl, and well figure something out after that" Issac said, putting his hand on my shoulder, giving me a slight push. Normally I wouldn't have woken up to something as small as that if I was actually asleep, but since I was not I did.

I slowly opened my eyes, fluttering my eyelids as if I've been deep in sleep. I couldn't help a little smile make its way on my lips at the sight of zak again, but I quickly pushed it away remembering the two boys watching us.

I slowly moved my head towards them, squinting my eyes from the light. " morning sweethearts" Adam spoke, smirking down at us. " morning" I smirked back before looking down at zak again, I guess its time to move out of here.

Since the doors were open now, I moved my body so that my legs were outside the closet, damn I felt good stretching them. I put one of my arms under Zak's legs and the other one supporting his back so he wouldn't fall when I stood up.

The alcohol wasn't a big problem for me anymore, and it didn't seem to be for the others either, Adam surprising me especially, since he and zak were about the same amount of shots down.

I slowly stood up, my legs and back resolution in satisfying cracks and popping noises, a sigh escaped my lips, that felt good.

I looked over at Isaac and Adam who both looked at me like I had just broken every bone in my body, well I guess it kind sounded like it. "dude, from bro to bro, you aren't supposed to sound like that" Isaac said shaking his head with a small chuckle.

"is that even healthy" Adam added on, smiling even though his eyes were still showing shock.

"fuck off u idiots" I chuckled, but stopping as soon as I felt movement in my arms, I looked down at zak who was curling himself more onto me, also grabbing my shirt.

I looked at him in awe, my stomach filling up with butterflies. " he's not gonna be happy about it in the morning, but you can put him on his bed, he's gonna sleep better here than downstairs" Isaac said, pointing at the bed in the corner of the room.

I nodded and started walking over to the blue cover bed, I heard Adam walk out the room with a small 'goodnight zak'

Isaac pulled the covers back and I laid zak as gently as I could down on the mattress, leaning back I stopped feeling my shirt being tugged at, "Isaac he's gotten ahold of my shirt" I whispered, looking over at Isaac with a small smile.

A laugh escaped both of us before Isaac came over and tried to get Zaks hand to let go, but even though we tried he wouldn't let go.

" I guess I got no other choice" I sighed before taking off my shirt, the cold air hit my stomach, making me stiffen up for a second before listening up again. " you get bigger every time I see you man," Issac said hitting my shoulder with a grin

" working out was the best thing that happened to me" I answered back, now finally being able to lean back from zak who had now curled my shirt in a somewhat ball and was hugging it.

Issac pulled the covers back over zak, packing him and kissing his forehead before leaning back with a small sigh, " he usually sleeps with his teddy bear, I've tried taking it away from him in his sleep but he won't ever let go, I guess he maybe though your shirt was his teddy or something? But what im tryna say is that im sorry about that" Isaac explained, looking sadly down at zak.

"don't worry about it issac, I don't mind" I smiled at the other male, wanting to say I actually found it cute, but didn't, I mean I've only seen this kid three-four times now.

"thank you, for everything, we had a rough start of the day but this has been one of the best night I've had im a long time, and I know zak feels the same, we needed this, so thank you" Isaac smiled, taking a step toward me and pulled me in a hug.

" If anyone should be thanking anyone is should be me, you guys literally found me beating a guy with my face all fucked up, this little angel here had to stitch my dumb ass up, and then you guys still after that let me stay and like you said, this has been one of the best nights you've had in a long time, I can relate more to that than anything-

- so thank you, thank both of you for everything, I also needed this more than ever" I let out, ret9the hug with a smile, which for the first time in a long time, reached both my eyes.

" you really making me, the manliest man of all time cry, unfair man" Isaac sniffed, a laugh escaped both of us, not too loud to wake zak though.

"We should maybe get out of Zaks room, I can just imagine him waking up to us hugging talking about today while slightly crying like the men we are," I said laughed.

"yeah you're completely right my sir, we can't let this young man see our manly selves at our fullest" Isaac agreed and we walked out, probably sounding like two girls with how much we were giggling.

Isaac made sure to turn off the ceiling light and closed Zaks door gently after, not that closing it normally would have him up.

We walked downstairs into the living room where Adam had curled himself up in two tree blankets on the sofa and was snoring, we both chucked at the sight before laying out the rest of blankets, sparing two to have over us, on the carpeted floor.

" I said having a big fluffy carpet under the sofa area was a good idea," Isaac said laying down on the "bed" we've made of blankets, "sure was" I chuckled, sending Isaac one of the two last blankets remaining.

I laid down and we both cover ourselves and talked for a little while until we were too tired to continue, so we fell asleep, and I had the most amazing dream I've ever had.


Know this one is short, but felt like I needed to get something out, and boom this one also ended on a good note, that's not often with me huh. But anyway I'll try not to disappear for like two months and try to get some chapters out because I need to get this boom done so I can start on a new idea I have, anywho hope whoever is reading this enjoyed, bye-bye


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