Chapter eighteen : beeping

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The sound I never wanted to hear again was filling my ears.

I could smell the air, the air which still haunts me to this day, the smell of the hospital.

I cringed at the pain in my stomach, what happened?.

I tried opening my eyes but no matter how hard I tried they felt like they were suddenly double my weight. I tried moving my fingers though it felt like the joints in my body had been moved in days.

Finally, I managed to open my eyes, seeing all the cables and tubes connected to me was like being slapped across the face, memories I've tried so hard to forget came crushing in breaking a sob out of me.

Get it off me

Get it off me


By breathing had quicken as I grabbed the cables connected to my chest and pulled them off, I tried taking out the iv when a hand came into view grabbing my hand before I could manage to pull it out.

"zak calm down its okay you're okay im here!" Issacs voice yelled. another sob broke out of me, I tried grabbing the iv once again but was stopped by Isaac and him bending down and hugging me.

" Zak please calm down, it's okay, you're okay zak, im here," Isaac said, his voice breaking slightly as he held me tighter.

I couldn't hold it in anymore and broke down.

I grabbed Issac as the sobs started getting unstoppable. Isaac was telling me I was okay and how relieved he was that I was awake again. I didn't understand, what happened, why am I just suddenly in a hospital hooked up to all sorts of machines, a bag of clear liquid going right into my arm.

I don't know how long I was crying but Isaac stilled held me through it all, telling me how he loved me and that I was okay.

"breathe with me zak" Isaac whispers moving so that I could see his face. Isaac started counting to three before taking a deep breath, I had stopped crying about ten minutes ago but my breathing was still fast. I followed after Isaac and took a deep breath.

We held it for there seconds before letting it out and doing the same once more.

After the fourth time, my breathing finally calm again.

Isaac sat down in the chair beside my bed right when a doctor walked in.

" im glad it see you're awake zak, im guessing you just woke up and is probably very confused," the doctor said giving me an apologetic smile, though I didn't smile back, he was just here because it's his job, they don't really care, and I've learned that.

" during the shooting, you got shot at the right side of your lower abdomen and lost a lot of blood. The bullet thankfully didn't hit any Important organs and we were able to get the bullet out with no complications when you arrived. But through to losing so much blood as you did, you're heart couldn't properly maintain blood pressure, pumping, or circulation.

We managed to give you blood at your arrival which prevented organ failure but you slipped into a coma and have been for the last five days" I was staring in shock at the doctor, then Isaac then back at the doctor.

The sock didn't come from knowing I was shot, but five days? My head was filling up with questions when the doctor started speaking again causing me to snap back from getting in my thoughts.

" we will have to keep you here for a few days to make sure you stay stable and that everything is as it should be, ill get the nurse to give you medication against the pain three times a day, morning, afternoon and around eleven pm around bedtime," the doctor said before returning out the door he just came in.

Breathe : skephalo Where stories live. Discover now