Truth or dare 14

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Day 10 of the twins no prank dare

It was another quiet day at the Blight Manor. Gracie and Viney were scrolling through Penstagram, Boscha and Skara were playing a game together, Gus was watching something on his scroll and Willow was watering the plants around the manor. Eda and King were playing Hexas Hold'em, the twins were clearly losing entering maybe the second stage of withdrawl, with Emira pacing around the kitchen and Luz and Amity were cuddling on the couch watching videos on Luz's phone.

Me: We have got some very interesting suggestions for you all today.

Viney: So who's the first unlucky victim this time?

Me: You. 'I hand her the slip of paper.'

Viney: Yeah, that is never going to happen

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Viney: Yeah, that is never going to happen. I am not kissing Luz.

Emira and Amity: I'm sorry what now?!

Viney: Some idiot dared me to kiss Luz in front of Em and Amity. No offense Luz, but your not my type.

Luz: None taken. 'She gave Amity a quick kiss on her lips.'

King walked away from Eda as their game had ended and toward Ed and Em. He placed several cupcakes and some prank ideas next to it along with some food coloring.

Me: On to the next one. Your up next Amity. 'I hand her the paper.'

Amity: Did this person forget who I'm dating or did they think that I'll just cheat on my girlfriend

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Amity: Did this person forget who I'm dating or did they think that I'll just cheat on my girlfriend. Because I am not kissing Boscha. No offense, but even though were both gay, I would not date you.

Boscha: None taken. But knowing our parents, they would probably force us to be a couple to keep their high status and avoid a scandal. If all their methods of trying to fix our sexuality failed.

Amity: Uggh. Don't remind me.

Me: They really hate LGBT people that much?

Boscha: You have no idea. My parents once got a co worker demoted to desk duty and almost kicked out of the potion coven because she came out as Bi. Of course they deny being the ones who actually did it but everyone knows they did it. They agreed she got what she deserved.

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