Nine - Fifth

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Every time I think I've figured out the humans, they do something else I wouldn't expect. This girl, Della, she'd woken from an induced hibernation, and then not ten minutes later she insisted on joining me on my mission to commandeer a vessel. Perhaps the blood of this particular line of humans gives them stellar valor and courage. Or, maybe, this forte exists somewhere within the entirety of humanity. Either way, I find myself filled with fire and passion. It had to be the humans who'd given it to me, their essence changing me both physiologically and psychologically. Perhaps this is what they mean when they say there is "strength of the soul."

As I worked my way through the corridors to reach the holding bay for all of the Nexspheni vessels, Della stayed close on my tail. Any vessel would do, but it would be a tight squeeze to fit all of the other humans on board if I couldn't gain access to one of the two we used for Earth missions.

With the doors of the loading bay directly in front of us, I began keying in the access codes to open the door when a familiar voice sent a snaking uncertainty down my spine.

"Fifth, what are you doing? And who is this human?" It was Fourth.

Of course, it is Fourth. Of course. Just my luck.

"Fourth, you're an intelligent soldier." With a sigh, I rotated on my heels to face him. "I'm sure you've come to realize there are no assassins."

Fourth bristled.

"I ask you not to interfere. We mean no one any harm. The Queen is not under threat of assassination. Let us go and there will be no problems, trust me."

Fourth slowly raised his blaster and pointed at us.

I really do not want to have to kill you, Fourth. Turn around and walk away, please.

Fourth's eyes narrowed on me so intensely that I thought they might slice through me like a laser. His attention then turned to the girl who, as he might've expected, did not cower behind me. She stayed by my side, taking a step towards him only after he stepped forward. The light overhead glinted off of her almost translucent skin and red hair, stopping him in his tracks. His fists balled when he halted, and his breathing became shallow as he shook his head. He lowered his weapon, but he still looked suspicious.

"Talk, tell me what the plan is here. What are you doing inside the holding bay? Who is this girl?" Fourth demanded. "If I'm to trust you, I want to know everything."

I explained as much as I could to Fourth in the couple of minutes I had. I told him about the plan but most importantly I told him about the effects the continual injections of the human essence had on me. He didn't act surprised when I said I'd been experiencing human-like emotions and traits such as empathy and passion. When he'd told me about his own side-effects, he must've been telling the truth, not simply trying to trick me like I'd thought. What began as a plot to extract their joy to create a high, complete ecstasy was becoming so much more. At least for me. When I finished, his dark eyes didn't display shock or anger but rather understanding.

"So, it is true then? Injecting this human essence continuously changes us? This explains everything, why I've felt so conflicted." Fourth walked past me, punching in the access codes to the holding bay. He stepped through and without looking back he said, "Are you coming or not? We have a ship to steal, don't we?"

A smile flickered onto Della's face. "You'll help us?"

Fourth strode deeper into the holding bay, "What's it look like I'm doing?"

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