Elora Jean Carter has had a rough life, in and out of foster care since she was four after her mother died. Currently living with her abusive foster dad in a little in some small town in Michigan. And then one normal day she's walking to the bus sto...
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Leo's pov I watch as she rolls her eyes and turns toward the window of the bus. I take this time to study her, she has long dark hair porcelain skin and bright green eyes, she's absolutely beautiful. She's wearing a black turtleneck under her leather jacket, a green plaid skirt with some tights and some worn out converses. "So what's your name?" I ask attempting to break the silence. Sigh "Elora," she huffs. "Wow that's beautiful." I say and it makes her blush but she looks away quick to hide it.
"Thanks," she mumbles. "So Elora, tell me about yourself." And just as she was about to answer a guy sat down in the seat in front of us. "Your going to have to get in line if you want to know that." He says looking back grinning. I notice he has a heavy British accent, "Isn't that right El." He adds. I look him up and down he has wavy ear length sandy hair and bright blue eyes and some pretty expensive looking clothes, I look back at Elora and she's smiling at the dude. "Yup Conner here is right, there's a line."
"And I'm right at the front of it," he says as he looks me up and down, "so El, who's your friend." His eyes never leave me, I get the feeling he isn't to fond of me already and that makes me grin. "Uhhh Leo here is a transfer student from my last school, he's here to scope the place out." She makes up quick. "Leo this is my friend Conner." I do a small wave at the boy who from the looks of it didn't like to be referred to as just a friend, but Elora doesn't seem to noticed. He does a small nod at me.
"So what's this school like?" I ask changing the topic. Elora grins at me wickedly and my heat skips a beat, "oh it's a living hell," she says the smile never leaving her lips. "Oh good," I respond grinning back, "I love the heat." And that makes her laugh a little and that makes me grin even harder. And next thing I know we are pulling up to the school, that definitely isn't going to win any awards let me tell you. I stand up when the bus stops and step back to let Elora out of the seat, and we slowly shuffle out of the bus and into the school. Once we make it through the metal detectors and once Elora stops at her locker I follow her to class with Conner tagging behind.
Eloras pov.
Well i did my best to pay attention to my classes, but Leo was making that really difficult. Like the way he would smirk when he thought something was funny, and how he would slip deep in thought and would start to fiddle with what looked like scrap and screws from the tool belt he wore around his waist almost absent Mindedly. To be honest I was watching his hands a lot. And he did not fail to notice. But who am I kidding it's not like it's killing my D- gpa, my ancestor's would be proud. Leo ended up following me to all my morning classes. Now we are currently heading to lunch i usally just sit with Conner in the libary so i can avoid people messing with me, because if I sat in the lunch room all hell would break loose. We stop at the entrance to the cafeteria to look at the lunch menus posted when suddenly a pair of hands cover my eyes.
"Guess who." I hear the person say. "Conner your such a dork." I say laughing as he moves to stand next to me. He chuckles "so what's for lunch today hmm." He say as he continues, I look over to Leo who is pretending to look interested in the fliers on the wall. I notice he doesn't even look at Conner. Weird I think, "If by that you mean whats edible then I guess today it looks like just chicken nuggets." At that Leo turns and looks at me about to say something when he's interrupted by a loud scoff coming from behind me. I turn around to see the one and only Brittany Wilson.
A/N AHHHHHHH I'm so excited to be rewriting this story, please let me know what you think, I would love to hear your guys lovely opinions <3