Gone Wrong (2)

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Your eyes fluttered open, the sun almost blinding you. Your head stung a little as you stood up and stretched. You were glad that you didn't got too drunk. You changed into your casual clothes and went outside to buy some greasy foods to help you with your hangover. You cracked a smile as you remember what you did yesterday.

"So gullible." You whispered. You decided to buy some for your friend because you're sure she will have a tremendous hangover.

"Shit." You whispered to yourself as you saw Kuroo outside your door. You hid in an instant. After few seconds, you decided to peek if he is still there. You sighed in relief as you saw that he wasn't there anymore but as you turned around you almost dropped the paper bag you're holding.

"Who are you hiding from? Me?" He laughed.

"O-Of course not! What are you doing here? This isn't your department." You rolled your eyes at him as you walked towards your door.

"Is it bad to have a serotonin boost?" He cheekily said. "If you're hiding from me then you must have done something wrong?" He said and raised an eyebrow.

"You're literally a stranger to me, what can I possibly do to you?" You asked him.

"Then let's get to know each other if you think I'm a stranger. Let's meet at the parking lot after the afternoon classes." He suggested.

"No thanks." You laughed and went inside your room.


You walked out of your class and you remembered what Kuroo said. You decided to go to the parking lot thinking that he wouldn't be there for you already told him that you'll not meet with him.

'Why am I even here?' you asked yourself as you walked through the wide lot.

"Sudden change of mind, huh?" You heard a manly voice behind you. You immediately turned around to see Kuroo.

"In your dreams! I was just... fetching something. Now leave me alone." You shoed him. You walked away trying to find something to do to make it look like that you didn't come here because of him. You had already passed your car so you have no excuse left. Then you had thought of genius idea to get your ass out of trouble.

You decided to choose a random car and tried to open it. You stuck your hands at your pockets and pretended to look for the keys. You were about to leave and pretend you forgot the keys but to your surprise the car lit up signing that it was opened.

"You know thats mine..." His voice rang through your ears. This is embarrassing...

You closed your eyes and sighed. "S-sorry." You said out of embarrassment.

"What does it feel to be caught red handed?" He joked making you feel more like shit. You just glared at him making him burst out laughing. He sounded like a hyena.

"What the heck was that laugh?" You ended up laughing as well. "Hey, what do you study?" You asked out of curiosity.

"Sports Marketing," He answered. "Why?" He asked.

"You just looked familiar when I saw you at the party." You explained. He leaned at his car and nodded slowly.

"Sorry for the trouble I caused that night." He apologized.
"Its fine. It wasnt that bad." You smiled.

"Do you want to hang out again? You know... just a stress reliever before the hell week starts," He offered. "It doesn't have to be only you and I. You can bring your friends if you want." He continued, making sure you dont take it the wrong way.

"I'm broke but sure." You answered making him crack up again.

He is not the type of guy that you'll like but hes not the type of guy that you'll hate. He's somewhere in the middle. Somewhere in that middle that you didn't know even existed inside you.

"Does Saturday sound good?" He asked. You nodded as a reply. You both talked for a few minutes, you noticed the sun slowly set. He handed you his phone once again making you laugh. You took it and entered your number.

"It's getting late and I still have things to do. I'll get going now. See you around." You bid your goodbye.

"Sure, take care. Bring your own car keys next time." He teased.

Are you really going to deal with him til you graduate? Well if yes, then you dont really mind...

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