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"Lee Minho's family" came the doctor out of the room to look for the family of the man inside the emergency ward.

Jisung, who was having the sleep of his life, jumped in his chair and looked at the doctor. His eyes were red and puffy from all the crying he did, his clothes were the same he had the other day, he didn't eat neither drink anything since Minho entered the emergency ward.

"Yes, doctor" said Jisung standing up and, nearly tripping, running towards the doctor.

"Mr. Han?" asked the doctor checking one of the papers of his folder. Jisung looked at him, gulped and nodded.

"Well, I am happy to tell you that both, the birth giver and the baby survived" said the doctor, making Jisung's heart do a flip in happiness.

"However" the doctor continued and Jisung gulped "The birth giver did have some complications in the delivery of the child and lost a lot of blood due to the trauma, so he will have to stay in the hospital for some time. As for the child, congratulations mister Han, you have a son. He is a little fighter, he was born at seven and a half months so, making him a premature baby, we need him to go to the incubator for a couple months. He is a strong baby; don't worry he will be fine." Finished the doctor with a smile.

Jisung smiled, he was happy both of his loves were okay "Is Minho awake?" asked Jisung towards the doctor making him shake his head signalling no.

"If you wish, you can see your child" said the doctor, Jisung's eyes lit up and he nodded vigorously, the doctor smiled a little bit at the newly made father's reaction.

Jisung followed the doctor to the "baby section" of the hospital and entered the premature ward. There, the doctor guided him towards a room full of babies connected with wires and a lot of stuff, also they were all in glass incubators.

Through the wall Jisung looked at the babies, his heart broke a bit seeing all the babies connected to wires and some were even whining. The nurses were feeding them through the tubes.

The doctor pointed at a tiny baby that had his little fists up, connected to a lot of wires and with a small yellow hat on his head and a white diaper. "He is your son Mr. Han" said the doctor.

Jisung neared the glass as much as he could and saw his son. He started crying, sobbing even. He was so happy that he was okay and alive and in front of him. He did crave to hold him but, he knew he had to wait for that.

He looked at the doctor, that was looking at him with a saddened look. "It's okay Mr. Han, he is your first child, it's okay to worry. I promise he will be fine" said the doctor and Jisung nodded, still sobbing.

"Mr. Lee is awake, will you like to see him?" asked the doctor looking at his phone making Jisung nod immediately.

Both went back to the emergency ward and entered a room, Jisung was used to this, Minho on a bed, pale and connected to wires and just looking weak.

He neared him and touched his hand making him slowly open his eyes. "Sung" he said and smiled weakly.

"Oh, baby omg thank god you are okay, how are you feeling? Does it hurt? Are you hungry? Thirsty?" bombarded Jisung with questions, as a response Minho just smiled.

"I am fine Sungie" said Minho smiling, that smile lasted for three seconds, then he screamed "WHERE IS MY CHILD, OMG JISUNG WHERE IS HIM" he screamed almost killing everyone in the room.

"Baby, he is just fine. He is premature and, in the incubator, so he can finish developing" said Jisung and the doctor proceeded to tell him everything he told Jisung.

Minho understood, but asked if he could go along with Jisung and see him. The doctor agreed and the young couple smiled in content. Minho had to go on a wheelchair, but he was happy about it.

When they arrived, since Minho was the birth giver, they let them in to see the baby more closely.

Minho started crying his eyes out while looking at his son, in his eyes he was perfect just like his father.

Jisung took Minho's hand and kissed it, he was also crying. They smiled at each other and looked at their son.

Minho then put his hand through one of the holes the incubator had and touched the hand of his small child. The moment he touched the little fist he felt a strong connection with the baby, same went for Jisung.

It was such a touching moment for the small family. Jisung kissed Minho on the lips and smiled at him, Minho gave the smile back.

"Excuse me" said one nurse interrupting the couple's moment. "I need you to tell me his name" said the nurse.

Jisung and Minho, both had thought the baby was a girl. So, they only came up with one boy name and they were satisfied with it.

"His name is, Han Sungho" said Jisung looking at his little baby and smiling "and his English name is Oliver Han" said Minho looking at the baby and cooing at him.

The nurse smiled and wrote it down. She then left the little family to themselves. Happiness filled their hearts as, one more time, they overcame a crisis together.

Love does solve problems.


Well hello readers!!

Sorry for being this absent, but I had a lot of stuff going on. Anyways here is an update for the birthday of our main dancer and beautiful boy, Minho!!!! I wonder if he had a good day.

Anyways thank you for reading and stay tuned for the next episode :)

AHDBEINWKEDKJ3OF 3NEJEJOPD he is so pretty omg

Idk why the pictures weren't working, but I think they work now

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Idk why the pictures weren't working, but I think they work now. I'm deeply sorry for this.

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