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⚠️Trigger warning: Self Harm, Drugs, Depression, Child neglect⚠️

Five months have passed since Minho brought home his new-born. There were three months of cries, fights and overall exhaustion.

Jisung and Minho weren't on the best terms since, well, they had been fighting a lot.

Fighting because Minho thought Jisung was a bad influence for Sungho. While Jisung thought Minho was the bad influence.

It was safe to say both were tired of each other.

And that's why Minho moved out temporarily from the house that he shared with Jisung, along with his baby and cats of course.

Even when Jisung cried and cried begging him not to go, Minho sternly thought this was the best thing for both of them.

Enjoying the time away from his boyfriend Minho could finally discover more about his son, and how alike he was with Jisung. However, this apart time made Jisung self-conscious about many things. His parenting, his looks, his ability to be a good boyfriend, his talents, everything really.

Not only did he become more depressed, also he became more aggressive. Will slap paparazzi's cameras, barely talk on interviews and refuse to rap if the audience was too loud or hysteric.

He got involved on many scandals too. The only thing that gets him going was, the pictures that Minho often puts on Instagram of himself and their son.

Crying was Jisung's new favourite activity, and he started to turn to drugs to keep up with his life.

Almost two months has been since he didn't see Minho or Sungho. He had refused to see the baby when he got involved in drugs.

Minho was very concerned about his ex-boyfriend's health, he refused his calls, didn't answer messages and refused to see the baby.

Many were the times where Minho stayed late at night knocking on Jisung's door for dear life, crying and cussing at everyone and everything.

Minho started getting side effects from Jisung's sudden disappearance, such as neglecting his own son, not eating, not training, no showering even some self-harm.

The couple (if you can still call it that) were diving deep into the dark void of depression.

Felix and Chan were the ones who often took care of them, along with Changbin and Jeongin, since Hyunjin and Seungmin went on holiday to the states.

It was the Australian couple the ones that started to raise Sungho, when Minho came with red puffy eyes to leave him there because he "had to work" and then came back in three days.

Felix was heartbroken for the baby and his friends. He and Chan most of the time will want to help them but the neglect they got from them was surreal.

The most Minho left Sungho with the Bang's was three weeks, nobody knew where he went or why, however it was noticeable how he will wear more long-sleeved shirts regularly.

Today was one of those days. Chan was worried, he hadn't heard from Jisung in two weeks. Felix was worried since it was already the second week, they had Sungho over with no signs of Minho anywhere.

The Bang's had a lot of things to do, their careers and raising not one but two kids, their young age and the frustration they felt towards their friends. However, their bond was still strong.

Felix was feeding Luna when he heard a knock on the door. He left her on her chair and went over to open the door. The sight was horrible, Minho, long sleeves covered in blood, red blood eyes, horrible smell and greasy unorganized hair.

"Minho..." he said, his heart breaking at his own words, this person wasn't his best friend.

"Felix, I come for my son" said Minho, uninterested with a hint of annoyance. Felix nodded his head slowly and went over to take Sungho from his chair, he was about to give the baby to Minho when he felt a pull from behind.

"No" said Chan looking at Sungho.

Minho raised his eyebrows at him. "What do you mean no? Give me my child now" said Minho frustrated and angry at the couple.

Chan kept a stern look on his face. "No, I won't give Sungho to you" said Chan signalling Felix to put the baby back on his chair.

"Chan he is mine" said Minho getting really angry.

"You lost your right as a parent when you neglected him, left him here with us for more than two weeks, JESUS FUCK MINHO GET A GRIP OF YOURSELF OR GO TO JISUNG BUT LEAVE THIS HOUSE AND YOUR CHILD HERE" said Chan fuming in anger.

Minho had tears on his eyes while looking at his best friend. "DON'T EVER COME BACK INTOXICATED ASKING FOR YOUR SON, IN FACT DON'T EVER COME BACK EVER AGAIN IF YOU ARE GOING TO BE IN THAT STATE" screamed Chan and threw the door in his face.

Minho was shocked, was he that useless? How did Chan notice he was under influence?

Minho made his way to Jisung's house once again. "Sung please open the door" he said stumbling with his words. "Please I need you" he said, tears no flooding through his cheeks.

He took the door handle and pushed the door, to his surprise it was open, he went in. The smell was horrible, everything was on the floor, he looked around and went upstairs.

"Jisunggggg" he called loudly through the hall and then he went into their shared bedroom.

Minho opened the door and he stood still. Shock waves going through him as he watched the scene.

Jisung was laying on the bed, needles surrounding him, he was looking at the ceiling with a blank smile while his arm vein had a mixture of blue, yellow and green.

Minho chocked and went running towards him, "JISUNG" he called "WAKE UP PLEASE" he said while shaking him.

Jisung locked eyes with Minho "I'm sorry" he said in a faint voice and then closed his eyes.

Minho started crying loudly and took his phone out to call Chan.

"MINHO, I TOLD YOU-" he got caught off by Minho.

"Chan please, its Jisung" he said while he felt his ex-lover's breathing slowly stop.

Hey babies :D

I am so sorry for not updating Webcam for this long I had a lot of shit going on.
Anyways, I hope y'all are doing fine and also I hope you enjoyed this sad chapter.
I'm sorry lmao

Anyways stay tuned, this is a double update!

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