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DarkHarvest00 follows strange happenings in the lives of two young friends named Chris and Alex, and the people around them. The series begins with a short video showing possible paranormal activity in the main protagonist Chris's house. What is initially thought of as a ghostly haunting quickly changes gears and becomes suspicion of a possible stalker after Chris receives a mysterious email (sent from his own address). Three JPEGs are attached, two of which are photos taken inside his own bedroom and given the file names "Mortem Obire," which translates to "going to meet death." After a television turns itself on during a night-time recording, it seems as though there is something paranormal going on after all. The series' proxy is eventually introduced, known asKindVonDerRitter .

In Log Entry #11, the first major glimpse of a proxy as well as Slender Man himself is shown as Alex and Chris chase down a man in a white mask, assumed by some to be KindVonDerRitter. In Log Entry #12, the character of Greg is introduced. As Chris and Alex are leaving Greg's house, they notice the masked stranger lurking across the street. When they go to confront him, the stranger — now undeniably dangerous — pulls a knife, chasing the two back into Greg's house. Greg reveals that he has been seeing the masked man for almost half a year, and the duo advises him to begin taping himself, which he does.

In Log Entry #14-1 and #14-2, several teenagers as well as Chris and Alex are alarmed to find that after being invited to a party at Greg's home, all of the doors in the house are locked, all of the lights are out, and nobody is answering. Aware of his dangerous situation, and the fact that he is alone, Chris sneaks into the house through a window. The video emits a tone that grows louder and the coloration drastically distorts as he discovers the presence of Slender Man, who has disemboweled Greg in the basement. Chris tries to flee but blacks out. The rest of the gang manages to break in and call for an ambulance. Chris is safe but Greg dies before reaching the hospital. In Update #3, Slender Man is dubbed a mass serial killer named "The Tall Man" who is investigated by a mysterious detective named Amsel.

Alex and Chris search an area across from Greg's house known as Rainwood Day Camp, a children's camp closed down in 1958 following the unexplained disappearance of 72 children in a single night, which police at the time attributed to "The Tall Man." (This later sends up a red flag to the boys, who realize this killer must be "reallyold" if Detective Amsel is right.) It reopened in 1965, and was finally condemned for demolition in 1998.

At the camp they discover a series of graffiti, depicting the Operator Symbol as well as the series trademark symbol, a diamond encompassing a circle with opposite vertices connected by lines, forming four right triangles. More importantly, they discover a small black notebook entitled "The Collective Knowledge" with the same symbols on the cover. The notebook seems to have descriptions of the symbols and other strange information. After finding a government document within the Black Book describing something called the "Princeton Experiment" taking place at a location in north Jersey, the team decides to investigate. At the Atlantic Test Site, they do not find any physical evidence, but they are approached and chased by KindVonDerRitter. In their second visit to the Day Camp, they discover a mural depicting the Slender Man as well as a man in a white mask. The stress of recent events provokes an intense argument between Chris and Alex.

Alex and Chris do some online research and discover a man named Daniel is posting similar information to theirs on his own blog called "Project Egypt ". Slender Man gains another name, given to him by the ancient Egyptians, a god of death known as Gorr'Rylaehotep. Alex receives a video file emailed to him (from himself) which shows a video in which several people in white masks perform a sacrificial ritual while chanting in a foreign language, thus revealing the involvement of some form of religious cult.

In Log #19, Alex and Chris search through the woods nearby Alex's home in which they find three white masks and three bags of rotting flesh hanging from trees. As they progress further, they encounter a man dressed in similar attire to the Slender Man who chases them out to an open field. Once in the field, they encounter the real Slender Man, who chases them back to Alex's house. They hide in a basement for several minutes before making their way back upstairs with an axe in hand. The last seconds of the video show Slender Man leaning over to enter the room, only a few feet away. The video cuts out, and we have no knowledge of what happens next; however, we can assume Slender Man simply retreated, as both boys remained unharmed.

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