CHAPTER 6: Larkin

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Well, the weekend was over and we had to get back to 'reality'. Today both Kamille and I were supposed to meet up with our new Property Manager and discuss the near future with the rent and everything.

However, it seems like Kamille had to stay at the bakery because two girls had called in sick and she had nobody else to cover for them because the other few employees would have had overtime.

So she wrote down the questions she had wanted me to at least ask him for her and then to just tell her how everything went later on tonight.

I wasn't nervous or anything because this is business and who knows, maybe this guy will turn out to be a decent man-unlike what Kamille is worried about.

When I walked into the building where his office was located in, there was no secretary sitting up at front and I began looking around to see any signs of life then once I noticed there was nobody, I just decided to wait in one of the chairs in the waiting area.

Then a moment later, I heard the office door open and a few men dressed in nice and expensive suits, came walking out laughing and smelled a mixture of cologne and cigars.

Not trying to judge here or anything, but they kind of reminded me of people I used to do business with before.

The man who looked to fit the description from the photo that was on the 'introductry or whatever you want to call it' page of the envelope he gave us, looked over at me after saying 'goodbye' to the gentlemen and smiled.

"Hello. You must be Larkin." He greets me with his hand held out.

"Yes, Sir." I stand up to greet him real fast.

We next start to shake each other's hand.

"Please, Mr. Denton is fine." He tells me.

Okay, so far so good. Next we start walking towards his office and after shutting the door, then offering me a drink and to take a seat, he sits across from me behind his desk and begins taking a drink from his glass of brandy.

"So, Mr. Denton, I am sure that you are a busy man. I don't want to take up much of your time. However, my wife and I have a few questions about some things that caught our attention." I began.

"Will your rent go up?" He interrupts.

"Yes. That is the major concern right now." I tell him with a small chuckle.

"I understand. I know everybody is doing that with all the businesses around you guys and with me being the new Property Manager, I am sure you all are curious." He smirks a little.

"Of course. Honestly, the raised prices are ridiculous and aren't realistic." I start to argue.

He looks at me for a moment with an expressionless look so I have no idea in what he is thinking.

"I agree." He states.

Wait, he's agreeing with me? This sounds too good to be true. Everybody that owns property want to of course earn some money, so why would he not raise ours?

"So, what does that mean?" I ask him.

"It means that you and your wife won't have to worry about your rent going up." He smiles then downs the rest of his drink.

This doesn't feel right. Honestly, it sounds too good to be true. There's got to be a catch. He doesn't seem like the kind of businessman that would play fair necessarily. 

"Come on. What's the catch?!" I sit back and fold my arms while smirking at him and waiting for him to respond. 

He next does the same and sits back looking at me before eventually replying. 

"Listen, believe it or not, you remind me a little about me when I was around your age. I wasn't born rich, like most people think, I really did struggle to get to where I am today and I know what it's like to have a family to help support and dreams to make come true." He says with a smile. 

"This is for real? You aren't kidding or suddenly going to tell me that you were messing with me?" I try and make sure. 

"You're a smart kid. So let me reassure you by signing this here contract that goes over everything we just mentioned." He chuckles a little before leaning forward then sliding over a piece of paper after he signs it. 

I take a look at it real quick and then sign it as well then slide it back to him. He creates a copy and then keeps the original while giving me the copy before standing up and holding out his hand.

"I apologize for cutting this short but I have other business to attend. However, it was very nice meeting you and I look forward to doing business with you." He smiles as I shake his hand and smile back. 

I feel a bit weird and still a little cautious about what just happened but maybe I'm just thinking about what Kamille will think and wonder if this is all too good to be true also. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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