CHAPTER 28: Larkin

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I couldn't hear what they were saying and Ashton's dad was getting on both mine and Nate's last fucking nerve.

He tried wriggling around and kept making noise through his mouth but of course due to the duct tape over it, everything sounded muffled.

Then out of nowhere, Nate just hits him on the back of his head and as I look at him he just shrugs his shoulders.

"He was annoying the hell out of me." He says.

We both return to watching Ashton and Kamille talk a bit more and from what I can tell by their body language, things may not be going too good.

Next thing I saw was Ashton pull out his gun and point it immediately at Kamille.

'That son-of-a-bitch!' I though to myself and started teaching for the door to hurry and get out when I felt Nate quickly stop me by grabbing my arm.

"Not yet. We have to wait for her to signal us." Nate tries to remind me.

"Yeah, you don't want to to try and surprise Ashton." Mr. Denton agrees.

"Yeah but it looks like we may not have that much time. Now, while I go towards them and try to distract Ashton, you both try and  look for his car or something that should have the kids and Kylie in there." I suggested.

They both look at me and nod their heads in agreement as we carefully and quietly began to open the doors and sneek out into the darkness that shadowed over most of the part besides the parking lot.

"Bullshit! You wouldn't have done that!" Ashton snaps at Kamille while I cautiously try staying mostly in the dark and going behind tree by tree to stay out of sight.

"I did. How was I supposed to know it was a family heirloom of yours when you never made me feel at all like I was worthy or deserving enough to have anything nice?!" Kamille fired back at him.

I notice him standing there for a moment longer before quickly pulling his gun out from behind his back and aiming at her.

"You have ten seconds to tell me the fucking truth!" He snaps at her.

"I did!" She states.

The next thing I see is him looking off to the side towards a dark car parked also in a dark part of the parking lot and several feet from here and nod his head.

Seconds later, I noticed a car door opening and out stumbled Kylie, then our kids. Kylie immediately picked up Liam and held him in her hip while grabbing Rosemary's hand as a man that I knew just had to be one of Ashton's men, stand behind them pointing a gun to the back of their heads as he made them start walking towards Kamille and Ashton.

I began to look behind me and around at the other trees in the dark close by and noticed Nate was peeking out from behind one at Kylie and them along with Mr. Denton over at another tree close by to Nate and we took one final look at one another then nodded and I started to walk out from behind the tree I was at and kept repeating to myself that anything could happen. I wasn't armed and I had no clue what would happen but as long as Kamille and then we're alright, that's all I cared about.

"What the fuck?!" Ashton snaps at Kamille while looking through the darkness in my direction.

"You brought somebody with you?!" He snaps at her.

She looks behind her and spots me. She looks scared and tries to motion with her head for me to get out of there and back to the car but I don't. I am NOT leaving.

"Well look who has come to the rescue." Ashton taunts me. "I suppose my uncle and your friend are here also?!" He asks. "You both are really made for each other, aren't you guys? Both stupid and pathetic."

I walk up beside Kamille and take her hand into mine.

"Trust me, when this is all over, you're gonna see who the pathetic one is. That is, IF you make it." I warn him then start moving Kamille off to the side as my gut feeling was telling me he was about to fire the gun....And I was right.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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