CHAPTER 24: Larkin

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I know the offer that was just made to Kamille and I might not be ideal but it seems it is the best option right now for us and the kids.

As soon as Kamille stands up and walks out the office and towards the double glass french doors that lead out to the backyard I notice her stop and look out at the woods.

I walk up behind her and gently wrap my arms around her while placing a few gentle kisses on the side of her neck.

"Baby, I know this is a hard decision. And I want you to know that no matter what you decide, I will support." I assure her.

Although of course, deep down inside I am hoping that she will let me kill Ashton or at least beat the shit out of him. But I care more about her and our kids than anything else.

"It just isn't fair." She begins to say through sniffles. Next she turns around to face me with tears now falling down her face.

"I know." I tell her as I wipe the tears away and look into her eyes.

I embrace her more into my arms as she lays her head into my chest and we stand there for a few moments talking things through and deciding what to do.

Then after she finally came to a conclusion, we walked hand-in-hand back into the office where everybody was still sitting.

"We'll do it. But I want the details of the location and where I can reach Kylie and them. And I also want to make sure that no matter what happens to Larkin and I, that forever, our kids and Kylie as well as Nate, are taken care of." Kamille states.

I was surprised at the last part and it kind of hurt my heart in a bit for the thought of something even happening to us. Even though I will make sure nothing happens to at least her.

After we all agreed and went over more details of the plan, we all decided to try and get some rest and begin preparing for what was yet to come with Ashton.

Tonight Kamille and I had the kids sleep with us in our room and although we didn't of course tell them details about everything, we made it sound more as though Rosemary and Liam were going to go on a trip with Kylie and Cassidy for just a few days.

Kamille and I both didn't like the fact that we had lied to them but we couldn't tell them the truth. I swear, your kids are supposed to be able to trust and believe you and even though I am hoping they don't remember any of this, in the back of my head, I can't help but fear that they will, in particular, Rosemary.

Just like what Kamille said she didn't like was that the kids became a part of this mess and they didn't ask for it. It truly isn't fair. Not to mention Rosemary's birthday is coming up soon. I just hope that we will be there.

*****The Next Morning*****

Like some idiot, I had hoped that when I woke up this morning that everything about Ashton and us having to go through hell because of him, that it was all just one big nightmare. But it isn't.

It nearly killed Kamille and I when we said goodbye to the kids and Kamille even tried holding it together so the kids didn't get upset. It was also hard for me too though and the tears eventually came out the moment we saw them drive away with Cassidy and Kylie.

"It'll be okay babe. Soon we will get them and we will see Rosemary turn six." I try to reassure Kamille as I hold her in my arms while she hugs me tightly and cries into my chest.

"I know. It's just so hard. It's even harder than their first day of kindergarten or like that scene from the last part of Breaking Dawn when Renesme is on top of Jacob's wolf and Edward and Bella both look at him to keep her safe just in case anything were to happen to them." She rambles on a little.

"I forgot how much you love those movies." I chuckled.

"Yes well..." She says as she pulls away a little bit to look up at me. "We need to make sure this ends as that did." She says before sniffling.

"I know. Me too love." I tell her and then hold her tighter again.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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