CHAPTER 3: Kamille

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Larkin may be good at a lot of things, especially when it comes to him hiding his emotions at times, but the truth is that he can't hide what he's feeling right now from me. 

Ever since we met with that ass a few days ago to let us know our rent would be raised, Larkin has been stressed ever since. 

We have not yet opened the envelope with the information about how much or anything because both of us are normally exhausted by the end of the day and then with the kids, we are beyond tired when we head off to bed. So in-other-words, we haven't seen it yet and it's possible we have options or even room for negotiations. 

The weekend is coming up and before we take the kids to a new water park that had recently opened up a couple of weeks ago, so I wanted us to get this over with so hopefully, he can relax and enjoy himself. 

I mean, he's a great husband and father and no matter how bad his day is, he never let's it out no the kids and I. Him and I in fact, will normally wait until we're alone to talk about it or whenever he is ready to. 

I was playing with the kids in the living room after getting off work a couple of hours early. Since Nate was at work with Larkin and Kylie was checking out her products and preparing for a few meetings with some vendors coming up, I had to pick up our daughter at school. 

After a few hours had passed by, I started making dinner while the kids watched a family movie. Then just as I was getting ready to plate the food and finish setting the table, Larkin comes walking in the front door. 

"Hey Babe!" I greeted him with a smile as always. 

"Hey my sexy wife." He smiles in reply, a little more high-spirited than he has for the past few days. 

He kisses the kids on top of their heads as they both greet him like usual, with opened arms and kisses. Then he walks over towards me and holds me tight then gives me a long and passionate kiss on the lips. 

"Wow. Somebody's in a very good mood." I tell him. 

"Why wouldn't I be?" He asks. 

"Well in the last few days...." I began to explain but he stopped me. 

"I know. I'm sorry about that but I had a really good day and got several new clients who seem to have money and I'm just happy." He grins. 

"Okay." I chuckle. "I'm glad to see that. But tonight, we have to take a look at the information about the new property management." I remind him. 

Thinking he was going to go straight to being upset I even brought it up, thankfully he just smiled even more and gave me another kiss before going to help the kids get cleaned up for dinner. 

I swear, I'm the luckiest woman alive and have no complaints. 

After dinner and watching the movie, we put the kids to bed then headed back downstairs and sat at the dinner table to begin going over whatever was in the envelope. 

For the most part, there was some information on Mr. Denton. He was in his mid-fifties. In his photo at bottom of the paper that had an introduction to who he was, his experience in the field. 

However, looks can be deceiving and I think we should do some more research on him, in case he's bullshitting with this information about himself. Plus, giving a closer look at his photo, something feels a bit off about him in general. You know how some people just can give off a weird vibe by looking at them?

"This guy seems legit." Larkin remarks. 

"Yeah, I guess." I shrugged a little bit. 

"You don't think so?" Larkin asks me. 

"Well, I don't know." I started. "I mean, maybe it's just because I have issues still from people in my past but, he IS a business man and doesn't get the kind of money he has by being generous. So until we meet up with him and discuss what is going to happen exactly with the rent and everything, I have to stay open-minded." 

"I know honey." He grabs my hand and looks into my eyes before leaning forward to give me another kiss. 

I really do hope this guy is legit and could possibly agree to a decent amount for our rent, but we won't know for sure until next week. 

You can't blame me for being skeptical. Especially knowing how these days are with all the greediness coming from corporate businesses. 

Now, I understand taxes change and all but we've noticed that everyone around us practically, they are barely staying in business because of their Property Manager's raising their rents to obscene amounts. 

So I guess all I can really do is just give this guy the benefit of the doubt until I am proven otherwise. It doesn't ever hurt being cautious. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

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