CHAPTER 21: Kamille

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Despite Ashton being nowhere around (at least in clear plain site) for some time now, I still couldn't feel relaxed or safe.

I know the kind of tricks Ashton can play and I don't want to take any chances and let my guard down.

I have been going back and forth in my head over and over again what we should do. Should we leave town for a while or at least go to some place safe for the kids?

Today, I was playing back and forth in my mind about what we should do and became preoccupied with it that I had Cassidy pick up the kids for me while I stayed home to make a decision. Maybe I should call Larkin and ask him what we should do because my gut is telling me something bad might happen soon.

Then just as I started making my way towards into the living room to grab my phone from the charger, I immediately feel my hair being tightly grabbed and my head yanked back.

I flinch and yelp from the pain then suddenly feel a hand cover my mouth.

"Shhhh. Don't try and fight me and don't you even dare try and fucking scream." I heard the most terrifying voice threaten in my ear.....Ashton.

I try and squirm my way out from his grasp and manage to soon stomp onto his foot with my heel and try to quickly run away but he swiftly grabs my hair again and this time, throws me onto the couch onto my back.

Next he hurries and gets on top of me, holding my wrists together above my head and pins down my legs with his body weight making it really hard for me to try to break free from. He once again has my mouth covered and this time, I see him holding a gun to the side of my cheek.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Now, that wasn't very nice, was it? Didn't I mention to you before to be nice to me?" He says.

I scream into his hand and continue to try and wriggle free from his grasp but he's too strong. However, I will not go out like this. Not without a fight at least.

"Now, when I remove my hand, you're going to keep quiet or I swear I'll leave a scene for your kids to see when they come home that will traumatize them forever." He threatens.

I start having flashes of images in the many ways he could leave my dead body displayed. I couldn't let that happen.

"You going to cooperate?" He asks me.

I look at him for a moment longer and begin trying to come up with a game plan quickly, as he waits for my answer and I finally nod my head in agreement.

"Good girl." He says.

Slowly he begins to remove his hand and then begins to smirk in satisfaction as if he has 'won' or something. But he needs to guess again.

Right when I begin to feel him lift his body weight a little bit off of me, I am finally able to get one of my legs free and kick him hard in the balls and as he right away grabs that area groaning in pain, I take advantage of that moment and am able to push him off of me.

I try to run as fast as I can towards the kitchen to grab one of the knives and then quickly feel one of my ankles being grabbed causing me to fall face forward pretty hard onto the ground.

I try to flail my arms and kick my legs but he slaps me hard several times before I next begin struggling to gasp for air realizing he has his hands tightly around my neck.

I try hitting him but his grip continues getting tighter and everything begins to become darker and darker by the second.

This was it. I was going to die and Larkin and our kids were going to find my body here.....At least that's what I had thought was going to happen until I instantly felt myself choking on air as I tried to sit up and catch my breath.

When I look over to my side, I notice that Kylie is punching him left and right until he trips over something by the door and hits the wall then he starts to leave before she is able to go at him again.

I can't believe that all of what happened just now. Am I really alive?!

"Are you okay?" I hear Kylie as I feel her place her arm over my shoulders.

"I'm okay." I tell her still a bit shaken up. Then I couldn't hold it in anymore. I just begin crying real hard and we held each other for a few moments.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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