CHAPTER 14: Larkin

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It has now been a good couple of weeks since Mr. Denton had his nephew, Ashton come along with him to learn some things about the business.

I wasn't too sure about Larkin but because Mr. Denton had vouched for him and had to leave Ashton in charge of things while he went off to do some business out of state yesterday, I figured might as well and try to get to know him.

Mr. Denton won't return for another couple of months supposedly and asked if I would maybe try and hang out with Ashton and show him around or something to make him feel welcomed because supposedly, he doesn't have many good friends really and was hoping he could start a new life here.

Today I had to go over a few things for the new add-on when I got a surprise visit from Ashton coming inside to the gym.

"Hey man!" I greeted him.

"Hey." He nodded his head at me.

"Welcome to mine and Nate's gym."

"Thanks." He replies as he looks around. "It's a nice looking gym." He comments.

"Thanks." I reply. "Well, your uncle has a deal with me that for helping me out in building the new addition soon, I gave him a lifetime membership here and if you want, you can have one as well." I offer.

"Thanks. I appreciate that. Although, I have to admit, between the smells that come from the bakery and working out next door, might be hard for me to resist." He smirks.

"I hear ya. Kamille is an amazing baker." I chuckled.

"I bet." He says.

"Well look, if you have some time, why don't I show you some ideas for the addition I would like to have added in." I suggest.

"Alright. Cool." He says.

We end up spending the next couple of hours talking and him coming up with some cool ideas for the marketing strategy until we hear the door open up and in runs my little Princess, Rosemary.

"Daddy!!" She screams in excitement into my arms.

"Hey baby girl!" I greet her with a big hug and kiss on her head.

"Daddy, my birfday is coming up!" She says.

I love it how she miss pronounces words such as that one.

"That's right. Your BIRTHDAY is coming up. And let's see, you're going to be how old again? Was it four? Nah, not four. Seven? Yeah, seven?" I teased her.

"I'm going to be six, silly." She giggles.

"Ah, that's right. My big girl." I smile at her.

"Daddy, who is this?" She asks while looking at Ashton.

"Oh, sweetie, you remember Mr. Denton? The one who came over for dinner a few weeks ago and who has been helping daddy build that add on to the gym?" I remind her.

"Yeah?" She looks at me confused.

"Well this is his nephew, Ashton. He too will be helping us out." I explain.

"Hey little one." He smiles at her.

Rosemary is pretty shy for the most part and is acting a bit hesitant, which I am glad she is like that around strangers. Then I forget just how feisty she can get as she quickly corrects him.

"Hey! I'm not little. I am going to be six so I am a big girl!" She assertively tells him.

"My mistake." He chuckles a bit.

Next we noticed the door open in the front and in walked Kamille with Liam asleep in the stroller.

"Rosemary, I had told you not to run over here by yourself." She says to Rosemary firmly.

"Sorry mommy." She says and gets off my lap to run up to Kamille.

"It's okay, just don't do it again." She reminds her before looking back at me.

"Babe! You remember Ashton." I stood up as did Ashton and we walked over towards them.

"Of course. Mr. Denton's nephew." She says.

"Yeah well, I was just about to invite him over for dinner so we could get to know him more a little bit." I suggest.

She looks at me shocked. I know she gets a little frazzled if I invite somebody at the last minute but she is always good at pulling it together to have enough.

"Oh. Okay." She replies with a smile.

"Is that okay?" Ashton asks her.

"Of course it is." She replies to him. "I guess I should begin to head home and prepare things."

"Thanks love. We will leave here in a couple hours. I still wanted to finish showing him around and everything." I mention.

"Okay. See you soon then." She smiles at me then wraps both her arms around my neck and kisses me passionately at first and then turns it to a more lustful one.

"Ewww." Our daughter states.

"Yeah, eww." Ashton teases.

They start to leave and all I can do is try and not be so turned on right now like she just did. I hate it when she does that and then walks away. My God I am so in love with that woman!!

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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