The 6th Day: I Race The Dawn

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He found himself sitting upon a throne of some sort, on his right Nakad was talking to some important looking figure. There was a woman lying on the ground in front of them, pregnant and bleeding from her legs. A man with an executioner's axe stood, waiting.

"Is this the witch that tricked you my dear mayor?", said Nakad.

"She is.", replied the mayor.

"Then don't let your men get filthy with her blood. Saber, this woman is a witch that defiled the name of your Goddess, kill her.", said Nakad.

"To the Goddess I give this humble sacrifice.

As he neared her he recognized her immediately, it was Hasbah, staring at him with anger. He got close to her as much as he could.

"Is it a boy or a Goddess?", he heard himself whisper to her.

"A Goddess, a beautiful baby Goddess.", replied Hasbah.

"Then your death shall be painless, and I myself shall ensure your Goddess live in this village with dignity and honor.", he whispered.

He cut her head clean enough in one swipe.

"Death to the witch.", he yelled.

He sheathed his bloody sword and pointed at Nakad,"Bring me a doctor at once, you will save this baby Goddess!"

"Hahahaha, fine by me.", replied Nakad.


He woke up full of energy. He showered, wore some fresh clothes, and prepared for the day, he strapped his sword around his waist. HE ate a hefty breakfast of a little bit of each of anything he had ta home, he didn't want to forget how they tasted. He explored his apartment, he made little changes to it as he went. Fixing pillows, opening windows. It was his way of leaving his impression on his house. Soon, someone else will get this apartment, a fresh person with regrets from his or her past life. With the locater at hand he set out to search the vast city. The city was practically empty at this point, Lumina had done a good job, most of the city had been ascended, and for the first time in the Angel's life the city actually had too much free space. He searched high and low for Nakad but to no avail. He simply wasn't going to let up. But this time Nadam was smarter and more well equipped. With the city practically void of people, and the Angels helping him, there was simply nowhere to hide, and no way to add more false slashes onto walls. Nadam brought a map of the city with him, and placed an X on every location with a false slash. Eventually the targets narrowed down by high noon. The locater was leading to.....

"Midnight Prayer Hill.........", he muttered.

He slowly walked to the hill area, watching out for crossbow bolts or any other dirty tricks Nakad would pull this time. But there were none, the trip to the rails was a rather safe one. And then, he spotted someone in a black coat leaning on the rails.

"I finally found you......Nakad......"

She had long brunette hair that played with the wind. She slowly stood up and slowly turned toward him.

"Found me, Nadam? Shouldn't it be the other way around? After all....."

" this can't be! How?!"

"......I am no man that can be easily found......"

It was Yaeis?! Nakad.....was Yaeis?! Yaeis was a girl?!

"How?! How the hell?!"

"I have to admit Nadam, the moment I met you, you surprised me. Remember the first thing you told me when we met? "My killer?", you honestly had me worried there for a moment. For it is true, you see.", said Nakad/Yaeis.

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