The 5th Day: A Long Day With Caster

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He woke up and gasped for air. His head felt as if it was going to split apart at any second. For once, he wished he'd wake up normally. Just for once. He was in his bed room of all places. Who brought him here? He was pretty sure he was alone that night. He pushed any thoughts that crept up from yesterday, he wasn't Saber, and he didn't kill Luma. For the two days that remained he was Nadam De La Bedauern. Two day? So he was already on his 5th day, and yesterday was his final day, thanks to the Angels. He was going to leave a healthy impression for th people in this realm using his association, he was going to help as many people as he could. At the end his past didn't matter. At the end, his punishment was awaiting.

He climbed the stairs down to his apartment, he felt sad that he wouldn't have time to prep it a bit more to his liking, there were even rooms he never stepped on since the day arrived. He was just too swept up in things.

He prepared his breakfast, and took extra measure to savior every last bite of the pancakes he made, even added extra honey. He didn't want to regret a thing when he descended. He thought how lucky he was, how many people in the Infernum Temporalis would pay their souls to be in his place right now. It just wasn't fair to taint people right and wrong, hell and heaven. Even those who sinned deserved to fulfill their regrets here. But at the end, Nadam was biased, so he knew well that his opinion wasn't going to be accepted. He took a bath, dressed up, and headed outside. He took a deep breath, and admired the sunlight. Then the thought struck him, why was there a sun here? Must've been to make this world more immersive somehow. He simply spent a good while admiring the beauty of the sky. Truly, only dead men appreciate the beauty of life.


He sprinted through the Crossing, pushing people left and right, breathing more often than he should. Soon enough he won't be able to experience any of this!

He needed to make his way to Hasher District to check up on Lumina, who knows, his association might've even been disbanded at this point. He passed by LaLa Street, the bakery was still closed.

"Buns really needs to move on.", he thought.

He should be embracing every moment like he did. As he made his way to the Hasher District, he had a hard time finding the building that was assigned to him. It was like another building had replaced his. The building was there, it just didn't look the way Nadam remembered it. The shutters and the whole building was given a fresh coat of paint, people he didn't know were standing on the balconies talking on Prophtabs. He pushed the door open, it didn't creak like last time. His jaw dropped at the sight he saw. The building was now equipped with the most luxurious sofas and tables, there was a screen displaying the Canvas of Prayers that updated every now and then, people were dashing left and right, speaking on Prophtabs and holding clipboards. Every person had a little pin on their shirt too. When the people noticed his presence, they saluted him and said in unison:

"Welcome back! Our Leader!"

"Huh?!", he said in bewilderment.

One of the members approached and presented him with a pin, placed in a fancy ring box. The pearly pin depicted several people holding hands, while the two people at the extremities lifted their free hands to the heavens, the heavens were depicted as two clouds with several hands coming out of them, reaching out to the grasp of the people below. Around the picture, Orphalese Ascension Committee, was written.

"Lady Lumina, is waiting for you upstairs.", said the member.

"Thank you..."

He climbed the stair case and made way to passing members as they dashed up and down, saluting him as they did. Did Lumina do all of this? And during a single measly day? When did she paint the building, gather members, and but furniture in this short while?!

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