The 7th day: The Mortal Observatory Dome.

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The newlywed marched proudly through the Saint's Fall Square, their marriage ceremony had the largest guest list to ever happen in this realm. Important angels and humans alike had attended that marriage, with Caster chanting the vows.

"I didn't believe it when Caster showed up to say his vows!"

"Me neither, apparently it was a thing he wanted to do since he "reckless days of youth"."

"To chant wedding vows? That almost makes him look cute."

"You looked beautiful in that dress, Sama...."

"Well, it was an important day after all, a lady doesn't get hitched to people like you everyday, Nadam."

"Hahahahaha.....I guess so?"

"What's with that answer? Hahahaha. Oh by the way, did you hear? The Angels got Glaze back from the Infernum Temporalis. She's now helping him at his bakery."

"Poor thing must be being stuffed with donuts right now. Buns remade them like three times since the day I showed up."

"You want to go check up on them?"

"Maybe later, Caster needed to show me something... said it was important. How about you go there first and I'll catch up to you later?"

"Okay, but don't be late, you hear!"

"It's started, hasn't it?! Yes my lovely wifey, that I won't!"

He waved good bye at his beautiful bride and made way to the Archives. It was a beautiful day, the weather was starting to heat up and the snow was melting. New people were starting to show up on this realm ever since the intruder thing was taken care of. He checked a nearby poster that advertised his association, he gave Lumina its leadership, for he did not work as hard as she did to make it be. And as if by Devil's luck he spotted Lumina walking to two older individuals.

"Mommy, daddy, we should check the reopening of Bun's bakery next! Pretty please!", said Lumina.

"Well, dear, I guess we could. Are you okay with this Galahad?"

"Of course, dear Hasbah. Let us not keep a place unvisited!"

Oh God..........The witch that Galahad loved was the same witch that got pregnant and caused the Pregnant Rock incident. Hasbah was that witch? So she wasn't lying when she told her mayor that she was a witch?! And Lumina is the child she gave birth to?

Truly it was one odd family that Nadam couldn't help but laugh about.

He was heading to a place they called the MOD, apparently only people with Caster and The Angel Chief's permission can enter that place. It was a little dome like building hidden behind the archives, had he not meant to be here, he probably wouldn't have noticed it was there if he passed by it.

Caster was waiting for him by the door, he gestured him to come inside. His Prophtab vibrated as he entered the odd building.

Checked in! Mortal Observatory Dome!

"Just what is this place, Caster?", he asked.

"Special residents of this realm get to enter this building. Which is like a portal that lets you view the mortal world at any time and space. I already chose the time and space, go, take a look."

The dark lit room was fairly empty, save a well like structure in the middle of the room. He peaked at the well that depicted his village. Now prosperous and bursting with new technology and newer houses. Then he saw himself, living alongside Sama in his old house, tending to the olive farms, happily married with children. This must be a parallel world where the Verse did not exist. In A world where he lived his happily ever after. But he didn't regret the course this universe took, for he had learned a lot. He knew he shouldn't live in the past, instead he msut learn from it, and that he mustn't embrace the present either, for its day to day problems will suck you in before you know it. Instead he should walk the road to Dawn, the road to a bright future. Sure it might have impossible obstacles, but with his good friends, anything was possible.

He thanked Caster and exited the dome, the sun was shining bright and it was a fresh new day to everybody but him. For he had a punishment awaiting him, hero or not, mistakes must be atoned for. Still he didn't feel like it was good bye, he was going to pay his price and then get back here eventually. But at the end, aren't we all going to meet up way up there? He spotted a girl singing on her guitar, it was one of his favorite songs from this realm.

"There are loved the glory,

Whose dear often miss.

When you close..... your earthly story,

Will you join them in their bliss?

Will the unbroken

By and by, by and by?

Is a better home awaiting

In the sky, in the sky?

In the joyous days of childhood

Often they told of wondrous love

Pointed to the dying Savior;

Now they dwell with Him above."

"I'm coming, Yaeis."


Sophia 5th anniversary presents:

The Muses duology! A new 

rewritten version of the original 

Sophia story, Sophia Sanctuary 

Remix, alongside it is the highly 

awaited sequel Serenia. Be sure 

to pick up this thrilling new Dank 

Teufel adventure when it is 


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