Chapter 17

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The next day Wilfred, who arrived earlier than Jacob, was waiting for the assassin on the street two blocks before Chelsea. After a few minutes, Jacob emerges from a roof and descends ahead of Wilfred.

"Good Morning!" He said stretching. "I've been hanging around, checking out the number of Bligthers that are guarding the streets and I think we're in luck." Jacob looks at Wilfred who is frowning at the same time he is looking out into the street.

"What do you mean by that?" He looks at Jacob with his hands still in his pants pockets.

Jacob had his arms outstretched after stretching. "There should have been a reinforcement of men after yesterday's attack by Byron, but there was not."


"Yes, one of my initiates." He looks at Wilfred and then looks ahead and continues to explain. "I spoke to him this morning before coming here and Byron revealed that these men do not work for A. but for someone else, perhaps the head of this new group. Probably A. and that boss made a deal that changed after Byron attacked them. "

Wilfred looks forward again to try to analyze the situation. "That explains this minimum number of Bligthers."

"Ah! And one more thing, it seems they are not Bligthers, they already were, according to Byron. "

"They were? So what is the reason for them to wear the same clothes? "

"I have no idea. Maybe their boss has problems with his eyesight and he hasn't noticed yet. " Jacob looks at the street keeping his arms outstretched, he is almost sideways towards Wilfred, slightly facing the front of the street, Wilfred, from the front brings his left hand to his chin and rubs it while the other remains in his pants pocket , after a few seconds of brief reflection, the silence broke.

"We'll deal with that later. First let's handle A. "

Jacob looks at Wilfred. "Of course."

"Now, what are we going to do about these better Bligthers or ex Bligthers so to speak." Wilfred falls back on his reasoning and Jacob turns his head towards the street. He remembers the number of Bligthers that were there and smiles slyly, as he starts walking towards the corridor.

"I can handle them, alone." But Jacob is stopped when Wilfred's left hand grabs Jacob's arm, which stops, puzzled, and turns his face to face the young man and his gesture. Jacob is annoyed that Wilfred stopped him thinking that this was an attitude of disapproval and rebuke, similar to his sister's and his father's, but Wilfred, being neither Jacob's sister nor father, was not severe when he exclaimed.

"No! Remember, Jacob, we have to be discreet. " Jacob stops looking at Wilfred's hand, which symbolizes the object he holds, and looks at the boy and his expression, he could see that young Ludwig did not censor the idea of ​​assassinn but preferred to leave it for the last moment.

"Fine." Jacob says in a passive but understandable tone. "What do you suggest then?"

Wilfred thinks. "Can you walk to A.'s house without being seen?"

"Yes. But I don't know which house is his. "

"That's when I'll do my part. If I play as one of them I will guide us to A.'s house. You enter through the window and I through the central door. "

"Right. What about the guard at the door? "

"I'll take care of that, just focus on getting into the room where he's installed." Jacob nods his head. "Now we just need to find a suit." Wilfred mumbles as soon as he sees a young bligther who appears among the crowd with a letter to A. Jacob looks at the boy and then at Wilfred and smiles.

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