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I knew babyjoe for years, we always had a friendly connection. Long story short I no longer lived in Baton rouge but mom say it was time to double back. She had it all planned and was gone say none. Mama say we need to leave before Michigan gets cold.

Quick background story; My momo is from sherwood,but my mom was born and raised in Lafayette. So was I. For awhile. Then we moved to Fieldtown. Any part of Louisiana (from br to lafayette to lake chares to nola etc) momo has been or lived there.

"Layaaaa" my mom screamed

"wassammmm" i said loudly.

"come get this last box from infront the garage" she said 

I ran from out of my room quickly because she sounded like she was hot already. I grabbed the box ,and put it in the trunk of my mom's nissan.

"Tell everyone goodbye and we'll be back to visit soon" she said sadly.

"Mommm I didnt know we were leaving tonight" I cried.

"what you wanna wake up early" she asked

"Yes" I said

"Okay" she said not in the mood to argue.

"Mom can Mia stay the night" i asked

"No just go over there" she said

long story short : Mia is literally my only friend she has became a sister though. We are so tight her mom almost considered her moving to Baton rouge with us. She's a year younger than me though. She's 16. Im 17. Im just finishing high school there.

(Mia is holding the phone)

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(Mia is holding the phone)

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