Rip to Jiggalo

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I will never kno what the gang did that night, I got dropped of at home. Something sweet happened yesterday too. Babyjoe walked me to the porch and kissed me. Soon as I got in the house I was sound asleep.

*******The next morning******

"Laya the school called me telling me that you can start Monday"-mom said excited

"Ughhhh I forgot about about school"-I said getting out of my bed

"Mom u think my wound will go away"-I asked with fear

"It may take awhile,why are you insecure about it"-mom asked

"No not really"-I said with tears in my eye

"shakeback Laya you have to"-said mom wiping my tears

"I will"-I said sniffling (as mom hugged me)

"Go get dressed we going get breakfast babe"-said mama

"Mhmm bet"-I said smiling

I got dressed

(It was hot this day)

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(It was hot this day)

"Oh shaaa" -mom said hyping me up

"eh you knooo"-I said giggling

"Here the keys u can get in the car"-she handed me the keys

"Okay guh hurrp up"-I told mom #respectfully

I saw her coming out as she locked the back door,I got out the car and asked ha to take my pictures.

"Guh no"-my mom said

"Please"-I asked

"Hairy up"-she said 

(she took them but I didn't like them)

We made are way to I-HOP ,and ate breakfast. I got a ft call from Boomer saying that Jiggalo was dead. I could barely eat. I told my mom , and she started crying. She instanly called momo and told her. We left I-HOP and sped off fast.

Soon as I got in the house I called Mia.

"Mia"-I said crying

"I then lost my cousin's cousin"-I said

"Awww"-Mia sad pouting

(it was a long silence)

"Yu need help wit anything call me , I got yu"-Mia confessed

"I love you so much"-I told her truthfully

"And I love you more"-said Mia

I just cried looking at my phone. Then fell asleep.

I woke up got in the shower,and got dressed it was still day time.Then I immediately checked on my favorite red nikka. 

"I saw dat picture u posted"-said babyjoe

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"I saw dat picture u posted"-said babyjoe

"Why u aint like it"-I asked

"I just did"-he said laughing

"Well I called to check on you"-me

"Im fine"-babyjoe said confidently

"Hows the rest"-I asked worried

"I thank they good,why wassup"-he asked

"Jigg-"I said nervously

"Jigg what-"babyjoe said confused

"Jigg gone"-I said with my head down

"HUH"-babyjoe said

"NOOOOO son nooooo this cannot be fr"-babyjoe screamed

"Im sorry"-me

(he hung up)

I called Ben crying and Ben was tryna see what was wrong


"I didn't kno babyjoe didn't know,but he knows na"-me

"Fuckkkkkk"-ben said

(ben hung up)

I sent a paragraph to ben and Joe telling them how much I love them and how much they mean to me. Then I went upstairs to talk to mom.

"How u coming babe"-she asked patting my back as I sat onside the bed

"Im doing alright, its just hurtful jigg was just telling me to shakeback now hes gone"-I screamed loudly crying

"Ohhh babyyyy"-mom said comforting me as I just laid my head in her lap crying

"No more rides or no more seeing him ever again , I cant breathe"-I told mom

"We can go to his mama house, and check on his family"-said mom


I was already dressed so we got in the car and pulled up. Yu could tell Jigg mom was hurting her eyes were as red as blood. My mom immediately hugged her. I saw boomer in the corner with his hands on his head. I just could feel his sadness,we hugged for some long minutes. Then KD came. 

"Laya lets leave"-said KD
"To where"-I asked

"I dont know"-KD said

"No I should stay"-I suggested

I ended up staying the night ,and my mom did too. We woke up early the next morning and went to make groceries for momo to cook. Momo was making gumbo that day.

Yall that gumbo was so delicious omg.

incoming ft call from : Prettiest red nikka alive

I answered , he was smiling

"Yu look good"-babyjoe

"Thank you" (I said smiling)

"How u holdin up"-I asked

"Ima be alright on Boo Ima be fine"-he said

"Good to know ion like seeing my loved ones in pain"-I said staring in his eyes

"What you doing today"-He asked giving the same eye contact

"Why u want see me"-I asked smiling

"Mostdef, I miss you"-He said

"I miss you more"-I said rolling my eyes

"Why yu lying "-he asked

"Im nottttttt"-I told him

"Check this out , I thank you should be my girl"-

"I thank so too"-I said

"Bet"-he said hung up

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