Must be love on the Brain

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Hours later I felt a sharp pain in my stomache , I needed to talk to my boyfriend to ease my stress. He always made me feel better even before we was official. I should tell Mia and the gang so they  know I'm off limits.

"Bae wake up"-I yelled in the phone

"Im not sleep Li'mama"-said babyjoe

"Mane Im in pain"-I said 

"why"-asked babyjoe

"If you dont mind , Ill do ya just fine"-said babyjoe

"Baeeee im listening to that right nowww"-I said excited

"I can sang it better than you"-explained babyjoe


(I said I will, I said will babyyy)-said babyjoe sounding like chris brown

"I love you already"-said me

"I love you too"-said babyjoe

"Ima take you onna date tm"-said babyjoe

"Where we going"-I asked

"Dont worry about it"-babyjoe said

"Bring your own money please sir"-I said jocin

"AH I will"-babyjoe said laughing and rubbing his chin

"Ima call yu , I gotta call my home girl"-I said truthfully

"Goodnight slimeretta"-Babyjoe said wiping his nose

(We hung up)

Dialing my 4L

"Miaaaa"-I said

"I miss you so much"-I said

"I gotta come see you soon , I miss you more"-Mia said

"I knowwwww"-I said

"Let me tell yaaaaa"-I said

"OUUUU im listening"-said mia

"Me and babyjoe together na"-I said

"I knew it was going happen soon"-said Mia smilin

"girlllllaaaaa"-I said smiling and rolling my eyes

"yall cute"

"this him dont hang up Mia"-I said

*babyjoe answers*

"yu must really miss me"-said me

"guh im jus callin tell u tm gone be special"

"okay, ima hold u too it"-I said biting my lip

"bet"-he said hanging up

I instantly got up , and looked for some clothes to wear for the next day. Guys I felt like I was in love ew. Yes ew. But at the same time it was-yall know what I mean. I layed my outfit it was plain and simple.

 I layed my outfit it was plain and simple

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(Ima ask joe to take me to get my nails done)

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