out my top

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I called Babyjoe and he lied to me. He said he didn't know the girl ,and he wasn't going to no hotel.

(Ben calls)

"I need you come to a party wit me"-said ben

"Bettttttttt"-I said 

"Im coming get yu in like 5 minutes"-said ben

"Okay"-said me

(This what I put on)

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(This what I put on)

"Ouuuu that bx there pulled up like yeaaaaa"-said ben rolling down the window

"uh huh waddup"-said me

"turn me up,turn me up"-said ben

"10x"-I said

"ouu bx I love ya , ian lyin"-said ben

"I love you more"-I said

(We made it to the party)

(I immediately grabbed 2 drinks)

"This that red rum shit"-I screamed as the music boomed in the speakers

Then somebody bumped me

"Girl watch what u doing"-I said angry

"yu out yo body fr"-she said

"yeah and waddup"-I said cus yeaah waddup

"WORLDSTARRR"-screamed Ben

"she aint tryna do nun wit me"-the girl said turning around

I grabbed her hair,she punched me in my face

She grabbed my hair,I kicked her

She starting kneeing me in my stomache and I tapped out

Ben got her off me and I ran to the closest bathroom and threw up blood

Ben told me it was time to go.

"say thug u gotta calm down"-li ben said

"mhmm" - I said in pain as ben helped me limp to the car

"shakeback"-he said spritzing me with water

"bennnn i cant do this"-I said feeling sick

"watcha on"-he asked stopping at a light

*my phone rings*

"come home"-my mom said

"mommmmmmmaaaaaa"-i said crying

"bennnnnn let me outtt,roll the window"-I said throwing up on the seat

"aye cuz watch my-"said ben

"im sorry"-I said crying

"u needa shakeback"-said ben

"i had too many"-I said

"i noticed that"-ben said

"ben i gotta come"-i said

"where"-he asked confused

"with youuuuuuuu"-I said crying

"im taking you home"-he said

*i doze off at the light*

*then BOOM i hear gunshots onside the car*

*ben let shots off but was hit in his shoulder*

*he sped off quick*

*i began to cry*

-what an rough night

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