getting settled

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Ian lyin right after i ate my stomache was doing backflips, i prolly ate it to fast.

BUT. My song started playing.

"Mom turn it up a li bit"-I said

"in the middle of the flo u kno i like to do my dance"-said mom loudly


Mane one thang bout my mama she not gon turn me down , i love ha.

"Mom i miss boom ian lyin and i want see Li'ben too"

"Ben locked up right na laya,but we gone wait an see boom i thank he still in Cali wit Yb"

mmcht (smacked my lips)

We finally arrived to these apartment complex and baw it all looked the same im trying tell yall naan changed like AT ALL.

SIDENOTE: like i told yall momo moved around alot we did too but those weren't our permanent living status. So ofc ima know sherwood cus thats where momo really from

Yall when i saw momo i wanted to cry i never missed nobody that bad.

"MOMO HEYYY" i said excited

"MOMO BABBYYY" she said hugging me as i ran 

"come on lets get this stuff from the trunk for ya mama flash" said momo

"okay" i said giggling

Long story short we got everything and momo was cooking , we ate and jus was bonding

Outta know where I heard a knock on the door( im thankin) who going get the door,lol

Momo stood up and looked in the peephole and it was her li yeaaah (she told us bout him)

He walked in my mama say "hey Charles"

He talm bout "i go by chuck thank you"

My mama aint the type to get mad over that cus she kno its just a name

He must've not saw me cus he didnt speak (lol i really didnt care)

Momo mustve felt played cus she like "laya this the man I want marry soon"

im like "oh hiii"

He said "wassam love" 

(Im like this nikka bout to gomn I can already tell)

Ian gon stunt momo mustve went did the doo cus I  heard them shut the door down the hall and i was jus coolin in the living room on my phone

Once again i heard a knock i wanted to open the door this time. LOW AND BEHOLD it was Li'Ben his eyes got so big when he saw me he picked my li' short self up and spun me and hugged me like a teddy bear. We aint even say nun we just hugged for like 5 minutes. Then he put me on my feet.

He like "Waddam Li'Nia" 

Im like waddup dude i missed ya , ian lyin

He said "I  can say the same"

SIDENOTE: he never call me laya he told me when i first met him that , my name was Li'nia cus laya didnt match me

"Mane watchu doing down here" -ben

"Mane I live here na"-me


"We finna be thuggin bad huh ben"-me

"YEAAAHH yk its up"-ben

"Say li ben when tru coming back"-me

"I dont kno I need call him" - ben said opening the facetime

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