I could fall in love??

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"Baby wake up" my mom said crying

"Mama breathe, calm down"

"Momo taking me to the E.R , throw something on"

(I instantly texted Babyjoe panicking, He told me to calm down)

*We made it to the E.R , Mom needed a wheelchair*

"Hold my purse laya"-said mom

"U got it,mom"-I asked

"Im fine"-she said struggling to work her way around

"Ma'am do you need help" -asked a employee

"No I got this"-mom said breathing heavily

*we walked up they had mom sign a few papers,momo was still parking*

*Momo walks in*

"Tierra"-momo calls

"Mom im trying get this leave me alone right now"-said mom frustrated

"I thank I should take Laya back home , and come back"-said momo

"Why"-asked mom

"Cus its corona everywhere , and I dont need her sick"-exclaimed momo

"Go head Laya"-said mama

"Ima text you the room number Ma"-said my mother tierra

"Okay"-said momo

"Yu need something from the house love"-asked momo

"Grab the neck pillow, Laya know what Im talking bout"-said my mama

"Okay"-said my momo

"Brang some ice too on the way up"-said mom

"Alright"-said momo

"Laya Im around some food you want something quick"-asked momo

"No thank you momo"-I said quietly

"Okay babe"-she said backing up professionally

(We made it back to the house,and I grabbed mom the pillow and momo left)

I instantly called Tru.

"Tru come an see me Im bored cuz"-said me

"Im getting to the bag right now"-Tru said

"Okay"-I said

"Yu need something,everything good"-asked Tru

"No, are you good"-I asked

"Ima pull throught thats on Jiggalo"-said Boomer ernestly

"I love you"-I said

"I love you hood night"-said Tru

(We hung up , I fell asleep while listening to music)

 I woke up and told god

God I thank you for sparing all my loved ones. I may never know who's next ,but Im thankful for your protection. I thank you for helping my family, god I ask us that you bless us today.

After that I brushed my teeth,washed my face, dressed myself.

"Hey momo"-I said

"Goodmorning"-Momo said smiling

"Yo mama won't be back home today"-said momo

"Okay Ima go see her later"-I said disapointed

"Where you going guh"-asked momo (nosey)

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