Jilly Putty

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"How'd the meeting go?" I caught up with Ethan and Benny.

"Can I use my Mii as my yearbook photo?" Rory appeared at Benny's side.

"Sorry, you two. They shot us down. Maybe next year." Ethan explained in a disappointed tone.

"Come on!" Rory exclaimed. "You want me to take 'em out? Maybe eat their families?" Rory questioned.

"No!" Ethan hissed.

Rory laughed. "Just kidding, man! You looked all, "Oh, no, Rory's a maniac!" That was great."

"Don't joke about that, okay?" I said.

"Sometimes I wonder what you do at night." Ethan sighed.

"Oh, it's pretty nuts. The less you know, the better." Rory said. "Anyways, what do the yearbook nerds want to do?"

"Hannah Price wants to use some lame old camera for the photos. She probably doesn't even know she has to develop the old film. She's probably still staring at the back of the camera right now, wondering why the screen isn't working." Ethan laughed.

Rory looked past my shoulder. "She's standing right behind me now, isn't she?" Ethan asked.

"Later." Rory walked away,

"Hi, Ethan!" Hannah said, making both of us turn around. "I like your shirt."

"Uh, thanks." Ethan looked at me uncertainly.

"I'm super sorry about not liking your idea this morning. It was a really good one. Maybe we can still find a way to use it." Hannah compromised.

"Really? What about your camera?" Ethan asked curiously.

"Yeah... about that... Can I trust you?" Hannah asked.


"Then she started swearing. And some of them were, like, double swears! She got pretty creative." Ethan explained as Sarah and I walked down the hall with him.

"Well, did she smile?" Sarah asked.

"Kinda... when she thought I was gonna cry." Ethan shrugged.

"Yep, she likes you." Sarah decided.

"How can she change so fast?" Ethan looked at me.

"A lot of things do- too fast." I looked at the ground. "I gotta go."


"Who else wants some of this?" Hannah glared at me as I walked into the lounge.

"If she asks you out, you'd better say yes." Benny said, making me look at him in disbelief.

"Hey, gorgeous."

I turned around, sighing in annoyance. "Leave me alone, Daniel."

"Not until you agree to go out with me." he countered.

"I have a boyfriend." I glared at him.

He looked past my shoulder. "A boyfriend that's currently flirting with Price?" he questioned.

I turned my head, glancing at Hannah and Ethan talking. "He's not flirting." I said harshly.

He leaned in quickly, but my reflexes were quick and I put my hand in front of my face. His lips hit my palm and he pulled away quickly. I slapped him lightly across the cheek.

"Don't try to kiss girls who are in a relationship, jerk." I walked away.


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