The Date to End All Dates: Part 1

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"Ethan! Hey, buddy? Wake up." Rory hovered over Ethan's sleeping form.

Ethan lifted his head up, startled, and the two bumped heads. Both of them groaned in pain, holding their heads.

"What are you doing in here?" Ethan asked, looking at Jane.

"I let him in." Jane smirked. "Oh, Ethan! You're so dreamy! Marry me!" Jane teased.

"You ever heard of privacy, you little rodent?" Ethan snapped.

"Mom! Ethan hit me!" Jane whined, lying.

Ethan threw one of his pillows at her, making her scoff. She ran off while Ethan sighed in annoyance. Ethan looked at the calendar, then at the box on his nightstand. Today was the day.

"Ethan, get up. The council wants to see you. They said they have a job for you." Rory explained.

"You can tell the Vampire Council that they'll have to wait. Today, I am a man." Ethan retorted.

Rory's eyes widened. "Oh, that's right! Are you completely and fully sure you want to do this? It's basically a promise that you'll marry her soon. Maybe even right after she turns her technical age of eighteen."

"I'm completely and honestly sure, Rory. She's my girl, and there's no one else I would imagine myself with." Ethan held up the box, flipping it open to look at the rings. They were perfect.


"Some dream you're having, sis."

"Benny!" I sat up in bed, startled. "Have you ever heard of knocking?"

"What's the point if you're asleep? That, and the noise of you sounding like you're kissing someone when you're really canoodling with air." Benny smirked.

"Just get out so I could get dressed. I need to leave early to meet up with Ethan. Today's our anniversary." I explained. "Two years. I'm surprised he can stand me for two years."

"He's been our best friend for longer than that. He can deal with me as well as I can deal with you." Benny walked over and kissed the top of my head, making me smile. "I picked out a nice outfit already to make it easier on you. Tap Ethan to make sure he knows you're up and get dressed. I'll do your hair."

I hugged him, resting my head on his shoulder. "Thanks, Ben."

"You're welcome, (N/n)." Benny said softly. "You're still my seventeen-year-old sister. I'm taking care of you for the rest of my life. I love you."

"I love you too." I replied, pulling away with a small smile. "Now, get out. I don't care if we're twins, you are not seeing me change."


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There is no pretending, I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there is a life after that, then I'll love you then. Attached was a single red rose.

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