The Date to End All Dates: Part 2

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"The Lucifractor was confiscated your schoolmaster?" Anastasia's voice grew demonic.

My eyes widened. "How did that happen?"

"Benny wanted to Lucifract something and he was talking about how we could rule the world and I was trying to stop him and Stern caught us." Ethan explained quickly.

"Benny, have you lost your mind?" I grew angry. "That thing could kill me if it diverges the wrong way, you realize that? It could kill your twin sister. We are not going to rule the world with it, do you understand me? When we get it back, we are going to hand it over to Anastasia, where she is going to put it in a safe vault in the archives, got it?"

Benny looked at the ground. "I'm sorry, (Y/n). I wasn't thinking, I'm sorry." Benny said quietly.

"It's safe in his office. We'll get it back, easy." Ethan looked at Anastasia.

"And technically, he's our vice schoolmaster." Benny added.

"Right. Yeah, which makes it even easier." Ethan reasoned.

"The Lucifractor is the greatest threat we vampires have ever faced. You have one day to get it back, or we will raid that school." Anastasia threatened. She took a deep breath, sitting down. "And you don't want that."

I nodded. "We'll get it back, Anastasia."

"And (Y/n)?" Anastasia caught my attention. "Please don't ever try to control that thing again. I find you a very important ally to the council."

I nodded. "You have my word." I walked away with the boys.


"I am not sneaking into his office." I said firmly.

"(Y/n), come on-" Benny pleaded.

"We'll figure out some other way, any other way than that. I am not sneaking into that office, and that's final." I walked away, frustrated.


"Ethan?" Benny knocked and called out.

"Babe?" I said softly.

"Uh, your, uh, your uh, Mom says you're nuts." we walked into his room. "I got (Y/n) for emotional support. I can even leave the room if you want to talk to just her."

"Just please talk to us, Ethan." I finished.

"Show me your hands. Now!" Ethan demanded, looking at me.

I immediately showed my hands. "Same hands that I use to hold yours, E. Same hands as always."

"Last time I saw you two, you were Stern." Ethan said. "He had your ring, Benny."

"Yeah, everything kind of went blank after I snuck into his office. I just woke up a little while ago at home. Somehow, I made this wicked sandwich. But I don't know what was in it. Weird." Benny explained, shrugging.

"Everybody's dead, (Y/n). I see them- they're all dead." Ethan said, his voice heavy.

"What do I look like, right now?" I said.

"You're pale. You're so pale. Blood's all over your mouth. There's, like, a stab wound, in your heart." Ethan explained nervously.

"That's your fear, Ethan. Because guess what? I saw the same thing. I saw multiple things when we got sent into those private dimensions. The vampire you was so rude and didn't have manners, the other one of you was dead. Like, you looked like when Mr. Stein had the marker on your forehead, but he had taken your brain out. Trust me, this is nothing new. Everything is okay. I'm okay, Benny is okay." I took slow steps toward him. "We're going to have Grandma look at you, okay?" I took his hand, kissing it. "It's going to be alright."

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