First Day

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Rayna POV

"Welcome to the WWE Rayna"

I'm sat in Vince McMahon's office and I've just signed a contract making me the newest wwe superstar. I'm not going to lie and say I got in purely on talent, I had a little help from a friend......well maybe quite a bit of help.

"Thank you Mr McMahon" I say smiling politely

"Please call me Vince" he says smiling back "your first match will be in a months time to give us time to build up some hype, have you thought of a ring name?"

"Um yeah I like raven" I say nervously

"Raven......I like it" he laughs "if you stop by wardrobe they will sort your ring gear"

"Thank you again" I say shaking his hand.

I leave the office and make my way down to catering, I promised I would meet Mickie after I was done and besides I have no idea what I want my ring gear to be like. Maybe I can get some ideas by seeing what other people are wearing.
I suddenly realise I have no idea where catering is and that I am completely lost. I get my phone and call Mickie.

"Rayray" she answers "how many times do I have to ask you not to call me that" I sigh "sorry ray what's up?" She laughs "I'm lost" I sigh "where are you?" She asks "Well if I go through this curtain I'll be at the ring" I laugh "gorilla...wait there I'm on my way"

We end the call and I lean against the wall and wait for her to find me, after what seems like seconds she appears and engulfs me in a hug.

"Come on catering is this way" she laughs pulling me by the arm

"You know I'd really like to keep my arm attached" I laugh and she stops pulling

"This is catering" she says "you hungry?"

"No not really" I say

"Well I'm starving so you grab a table and I'll be right with you" she says

I head across the room to the first empty table I see, I sit down and take off my jacket. While I wait I take a moment to look around the room, there are lots of familiar faces here, I pay close attention to their ring gear and make mental notes of the bits I like.

As I'm looking round the room my gaze falls on a guy sitting alone away from everyone, his dark hair is tied back in a man bun and he has some interesting tattoos. He has his back to everyone giving off the "leave me alone" vibe which means I can't see his face.
He has headphones on and he is furiously scribbling in a notebook, he's not as big as some of the other guys but he has his fair share of muscle.

"What are you looking at" Mickie asks as she sits down, when I don't respond she follows my gaze "oh no you should stay away from him"

"Who is he?" I ask not taking my eyes off him

"That is Jeff Hardy" she sighs

"That's Jeff Hardy?" I say sounding a tad excited

"Yeah but like I said stay away from him" she says

"Why" I ask my curiosity now peaked

"He's had problems with drink and drugs and from what I hear he's not very nice" she explains

"From what you hear" I say "do you even know the guy?"

"No but I've been told things" she shrugs

"Since when did you judge people you don't know" I ask getting a little angry

"I don't but in this case I know the drink and drugs thing is true" she explains

"Does he always sit alone" I ask

"He does now, people washed their hands of him when he kept screwing up" she sighs

"This is bullshit, he needs help not casting out" I say trying not to raise my voice

"Look my match is next, promise me you'll stay away from him" she says giving me a hug

"Fine but I'm not going to judge him by everyone else's opinion" I say

I stay in catering after Mickie leaves and eventually I'm the only one left in the room, I'm about to get up and have a wonder around when Jeff comes back in. He glances over at me expressionless and then goes back to the table he was at before turning his back to me.
This is ridiculous, is he ignoring me because he wants to or because he thinks he has to? I rise from my seat and walk towards his table his headphones are back on so he doesn't hear me approach. I pull out a chair and sit beside him, he looks at me and removes his headphones.

"Can I help you?" He says looking a little confused

"I'm Rayna, I'm new here I just wanted to introduce myself" I say offering him my hand

"Jeff" he says shaking my hand still looking confused

"You ok? You look a little confused" I ask

"Sorry it's just newbies usually get told to stay away from me" he sighs

"Well I like to get to know some one before I form an opinion of them" I smile "I'm also not very good at doing as I'm told" he laughs and for the first time I see him smile and I have to say it suits him

"Well thanks" he smiles "it's nice to not be judged for once"


Before I have chance to say anything Mickie grabs my arm and pulls me away, I look back at Jeff and mouth "sorry" to him. He nods and the smile fades from his face, he turns away and puts his head phones back on.

"Mickie what the fuck, let go" I say pulling my arm from her grasp

"I told you to stay away from him" she snaps

"I know but I don't form opinions of people until I know them" I snap back

"Look I'm sorry, I'm just looking out for you" she sighs giving me a hug

"I know and I appreciate that but he really doesn't seem that bad" I say hugging her back

"Just be careful" she says

I assure her I will and head to my car, it was so obvious that the way people are with him bothers him and it's not right. Pushing him out like this is not going to help him and if talking to him means I'll be treated the same way then so be it.

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