Taking Things Slow

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Rayna POV

By the time Reby and I pulled the guys apart it was late, trying to untangle hardy boys is like trying to knit with spaghetti - damn near impossible.
Reby and I look at the guys, they are both covered in dirt and grass stains and their hair is stuck up everywhere.

"Well I hope this mess was worth it" Reby says trying to hold in her laughter

"He started it" Matt pouts and Jeff's mouth drops open "oh hell no this was all you" he shoots back.

"Guys what are you 12" Reby gasps and just like that Reby and I are in fits of uncontrollable laughter all over again.

"Ok, look just appologise Matt" Reby says between laughs

"Fine I'm sorry man" Matt says offering Jeff his hand "apology accepted" Jeff says shaking his hand before they both start laughing.

Reby looks over at me "I'll take mine, you take yours and we will see you in the morning" she gives me a quick hug and I walk over to Jeff, he takes my hand and we start the walk back to his place. As we walk he puts his arm around my shoulder and I lean into him.

"I'm sorry about all that" he says

"It's fine I had fun" I say smiling

"You did?" He says looking surprised

"Yeah you two are hilarious" I giggle

"Well we aim to please" he giggles

We carry on walking to Jeff's house and just as we get to the lake he stops "come here" he says pulling me close to him, he leans in and places his lips on mine just as he did before, I return the kiss wrapping my arms around his neck. This time there is no interruptions and no one watching, the kiss lasts for quite a while before Jeff breaks it.

"I really like you Ray" he says resting his forehead against mine

"I really like you too Jeff" I reply "would it be ok if we take things slow?"

"Sure we can go as slow as you want"

When we get back to Jeff's he heads upstairs for a shower and I head to my room. I get into my pj's and get into bed.

Next Day

Jeff POV

I finish washing the dishes and walk over to Ray, she is sitting on the couch looking at her phone.
I sit down beside her and put my arm around her, she leans into me and puts her phone on the couch arm. She looks up at me and I lean down to kiss her.

"Morning love birds"

"Matt you have hands right" I ask

"Yeah two of them" he says waving at me

"Then can you tell me why the fuck you didn't knock" I say

"I don't normally have to" he shrugs

"I don't normally have some one with me" I say rolling my eyes

Just then Reby walks in and smacks Matt upside the head

"I told you to knock dumbass" she says

"First Reby that hurt and second Jeff I apologise I didn't think" he says rubbing the back of his head.

While all this is going on Ray has her face buried in my chest trying to hide the fact that shes laughing her ass off at us.

"Are you laughing at us again" I ask smiling at her

"Can't help it like I said you two are hilarious" she says between fits of laughter

"Ray how long are you with us" Reby asks

"Oh 7 weeks" she replies

"How bout tomorrow you and me go get some lunch and do a bit of shopping and leave these two to their pissing contest" she says laughing

"Sure I would love to" Ray says "if that's ok with you" she says looking at me

"Honey tweedle dee and tweedle dum are not required to give permission" Reby states making Ray laugh again

"It's fine by me and like she says you don't need my permission" I say

"Then that's settled then, girls day tomorrow" Reby give Ray a smile and sits down in one of the arm chairs. "So I thought we could have a drive out to the beach today, that's if you two can manage to behave like adults for the rest of the day?"

"Sounds good to me" I say "what about you Ray?"

"Yeah I'm in" Ray replies

"Great we'll leave you two to get things sorted and we'll all go in one car" Reby says

"Great see you soon" I smile as she goes to leave.

On her way out she grabs Matt and makes him leave.

"So you two going to put your squabbling aside for today" Ray asks laughing

"Oh I'm going to do one better, I'm going to dig a big hole and bury him up to his neck" I say laughing with her

Oh she thinks I'm joking.

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