Take It or Leave It

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When I wake up again, Harry is sitting where Hamish was before, with his head on my lap. He's asleep. Smiling, I stroke his hair and then start to gently nudge his shoulder. "Harry? Darling, wake up, you are resting in the most uncomfortable position. Come on, love, get up." He makes a grumpy noise, before he yawns and sits back up. "Good morning, sleeping beauty.", I joke. Only now he realizes that I was the one who interrupted his sleep. "Jane, oh god, you're awake. I am so sorry for what happened, my starlight, it was all my fault. If I hadn't argued with Eggsy..." I take his hands in mine and shake my head. "Harry, calm down, I'm okay. This wasn't your fault, love, I didn't pay enough attention." His gaze drops to the floor, before he looks back into my face. "Does it hurt very much? Do you need more painkillers? I can call Merlin..." But I shake my head another time. "I'm okay, really, stop worrying Harry." Then I pull him a bit closer and sneak a kiss on his cheek. Harry immediately responds by gently capturing my lips with his. He kisses me twice, deeply, before he pulls back again. "You scared the shit out of me, darling. I don't know what I'd do without you." "Crash and burn, just the way I did when you were gone.", I answer, snuggling into his chest. "I missed you, Harry." Harry wraps his arms around me and presses my body against his. "I know, my starlight. And I am so sorry for putting you through all of this, you didn't deserve it. Just to think about the fact that this bullet could have killed you... it crushes my heart. You are my world, Jane, my everything, and I don't think I'd be able to keep going without you the way you did when I was gone. You were so strong, darling, and I am more thankful to have you back than you could ever imagine." I don't know what to say, I'm not as good with words as Harry. Instead, I just let him hold me, and it feels so familiar and right that for a little while I even forget that I believed he was dead for so long.

In the meantime, Merlin and Ginger Ale manage to locate Poppy's headquarters: they're in Cambodia, in the middle of the jungle. With Harry's help, I get out on the corridor, where they all meet up. As soon as Eggsy sees me, he pulls me into a hug. "Jesus Christ, don't ever scare me like that again, sister. Harry and I thought you were going to die." "Speaking of dying, what the hell are you doing out here? You're supposed to stay in bed, for heaven's sake!", Hamish rails, walking towards us. I let go of Eggsy and grin. "My dear Hamish, did you really think I was going to spend the next few days in bed and let you have all the fun?" "This is not about the fun. You can barely stand on your own. Do you even have the slightest idea how much blood you lost? You nearly died Jane, goddamn it!" Then he fixates Harry next to me. "And you even helped her with it, of course. Does anyone of you three idiots ever listen to me?" I have never seen him this angry before. "Hamish, it's okay. I'm fine, stop worrying. I just walked out on the corridor, I'm not going on a mission or anything. I just wanted to know what you found out about Poppy and what's going to happen next." A frustrated groan comes over his lips, before he looks back at me and sighs. "I would have told you later, jackass. Now, anyways. Agent Whiskey will be back on his feet very soon and then the three of you, Jane definitely excluded, can head off to Cambodia and finally get the antidote." "I am not certain that's a good idea.", Harry says and strengthens his grip on my waist, as my knees slowly start to shake from exhaustion. "What do you mean?", Hamish is just as confused as I am. "Well, I shot him." "What?"

Right in that moment Eggsy's phone starts to ring. He excuses himself and just walks off, leaving shocked me and Hamish there with my obviously crazy boyfriend. "I shot Agent Whiskey.", Harry starts again. "Just after Jane got hurt and passed out. He was working against us." I still can't believe what I'm hearing. "Harry, what the hell..?" "He's a double agent, I am sure about that. Don't you trust me, darling?" I don't know what to say. Don't know what to think. Do I trust him or do I think he's just not himself yet, still affected by his one-year-lasting amnesia? My knees start to shake even more and Hamish has to rush to my other side to keep me from collapsing. "Enough wandering around the building for today, Jane, let's get you back to bed." He looks back to Harry. "Though we are still not done with that specific matter, Agent Galahad." My boyfriend suddenly stops, I stumble and almost fall to the ground, wouldn't it be for Hamish who catches me the very last second.

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