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~Sophia's POV~
I wake up to Noah jumping on my bed
N- Wake up wake up wake up
I turn over and hide underneath my blankets
N- come on
He starts pulling my blanket away
S- no no no
He successfully got them away from me and onto the floor. I sit up and just stare at him. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him on the bed with me.
S- now you have to stay with me cause I'm cold
He looked at me in my eyes and just sat there
N- you know your very stubborn
S- yeah I know that's why I win all the time in arguments
He starts to get up but I pull him down
S- carry me
I was so dramatic I acted like a baby and held my hands out
N- I guess
I smile as he picks me up on his back
S- finally I'm tall!
I put my hand out like Superman while he carried me downstairs
J- ahhh what's going on
N- she wouldn't get out of bed so I took her blanket then she used me for warmth. I told her to come downstairs and she made me carry her.
S- yeah that pretty much sums it up
J-ok whatever
He walks to the kitchen. I was still on Noah's back.
S- onward peasant, to the kitchen
N- did you just call me a peasant
S- yes I did now go to the kitchen
N- uhhhh
In the kitchen I saw dad making something. Noah set me on the counter. It was so cold
S- no pick me back up the counter is too cold
B- what's going on
S- I'm making him carry me cause he stole my blanket cause I wouldn't wake up.
Noah then picked me up like a child and put me on his hip
N- you know your very light
S- I am not you just are strong to it feels like nothing. Now please take me to the fridge.
He took me to the fridge and I got an apple out of it
S- thank you sir now please set me on the couch
N- I better be getting payed for this
I said while popping the p.  I turned on the tv to play COD with Noah.
N-your going down hall
S- ah no I'm way better than you
N- that's not what you said when you got here
I glared at him while he laughed. We were playing till 50 this time and I was soo close but he beat me by 2.
S- ahh come on I was so close
N- but I won and you lost, what do I win
S-ahhh bragging rights
We laughed as he carried me to my bed
S- umm gonna take a shower and get dressed. You can stay in here if you want and watch Netflix
N- sure
I got my outfit and things for my shower I just finished my shower when I realized I was missing my towel
S- ah hey Noah can you hand me my towel I forgot it
N- sure
S- close your eyes and hand it to me
~Noah's POV~
Sophia asked me to get her a towel so I did
S- close your eyes and hand it to me
I grabbed the towel and walked into the bathroom with my hand over my eyes. I did peek once but then she yelled at me. I left and just thought about  how perfect her and her body was. I mean just look at her, she is stunning
~Sophia's POV~
I got dressed into this

 I mean just look at her, she is stunning~Sophia's POV~I got dressed into this

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Did my makeup like this

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