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I woke up in the hospital bed. I saw Noah and dad on each side of me. I squeezed Noah's hand to let him know I was awake. He looked up and smiled at me. So did dad.
N- the doctors said the surgery went well
D- and all you have is just a little scar
Dad poked my belly which made me laugh. I sat up and fixed my pillows.
S- my stomach still hurts a little
D- it might for the next couple of days but it will stop
S- I think I'll miss Casey
D- who?
N- the baby
D- oh
S- yeah we are gonna have a memorial for it and we wanted to have a name.
The doctor walked in with another person behind her.
D1-hello how are you
S- good just a little sore
D1-it'll be like that for a couple days
S- yeah dad told me
??- Sophia hall, 16 years old, in post OP of a still birth, vitals look good, wound.....
The man came and looked at my stomach
??-wound is healing nicely, no infections or anything
D1-well that's good, you should be ok to leave in 2 days
S- may I ask who's that
??- oh I'm doctor Alex, it's my job to tell your surgeon how your doing medically, and physically.
S- oh ok
They left and I turned on my side.
N- you ok
S- yeah just I'm cold and that mans hands were cold
N- he won't touch you again it was just to check your incision.
S- ok
I grabbed my phone and went to post on Instagram, then remembered that all there is on social media is about me and Noah. People were making pictures of our baby would've looked like and making sad edits about it.
S- I think I'm gonna take a break from Social media
D- why
S- cause everything that people post are about me, Noah, and the baby
N- yeah like why do you want to remind us of our dead baby
I decided to watch tv cause there was nothing else to do. Dad left to the store while Noah stayed with me.
S- do you wanna watch Spongebob or Pepa pig.
N- is that even a question or course Pepa
We laughed as I put it on. Dad came back with a couple bags.
S- what you got
D- well I have a couple games to keep you entertained
He pulled out scrabble, monopoly, Uno, and chess.
S- Oooo can we play monopoly.
D- sure, Noah wanna play
N- yeah
I was the dog, dad was the top hat, and Noah was the car. We rolled to see who goes first,
D- ha I go first
Dad went and we stared to play the game.
- 1 hour later-
S- ok I would like to buy a hotel for all of my green properties
That's when the nurse walked in.
N1- well that was a very smart move
I laughed, she switched my IV then left.
D- ok I forgot how long this game is
S- you can not quite we're almost done
D- fine
We finished the game 20 minutes later(Noah won)
S- how the shit did I not see you quietly building a little village on that side of the board.
N- cause I'm sneaky
We laughed and put the game away. It was 7 o'clock and I was kinda hungry.
S- hey daaaaaddd
D- yes Sophia
S- do you think you can order me the little nuggets from Chick-fil-A.
D- yeah sure, Noah want anything
N- ah just like a sandwich and fries
S- oh yeah don't forget fries and the sauce
D- ok
He ordered on his phone. I grabbed my phone and put on Netflix. I poked Noah
S- hey
N- what's up
S- wanna finish outer banks
N- sure
We were already on the second to last one so it would only take like an hour. Middle of the last episode dad gave us our food. We finished the sow and laid there In shock.
S- I can't wait for the second season
N- me either
I ended up sleeping the rest of the night.

-1 week later-

I'm back from the hospital. I've been catching up on homework and helping my mental health get better. We had a memorial for Casey yesterday. I cried and so did Noah. Noah has been really sad lately, and I understand why. I'm sad about Casey too but I hide it, Noah is very bad at hiding it. I check on him throughout the day and he says he is fine, but I know he is hurting. I try to cheer him up but he doesn't stay happy. Now I'm in the kitchen eating some cereal with Jaden.
J- so what's the plan today
S- well I have a meeting but besides that nothing much
J- what times your meeting
S- in like a hour
J- ok well after your meeting I'll be taking you and Noah somewhere to cheer y'all up
S- I'm fine, Noah is the one who is really sad. And I tried to cheer him up and he just gets back home and is sad again
J- yeah I know but I think this will cheer him up for a while
S- what are you planning
J- it's a surprise
S- I-
J- hate surprises, I know, but this is a good surprise
S- promise?
J- promise
I put my bowl in the sink and headed upstairs to get ready. I put on this

I did my makeup

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I did my makeup

I went downstairs and called and took Noah's car

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I went downstairs and called and took Noah's car. I went to my meeting to discuss making merchandise. My manager helped me pick out prices and styles.
M- so do you want to do stuff like Noah, hoodies, shirts, pants etc. or like a real clothing brand with more than that
S- like bras and stuff
M- yeah
S- I feel like I should start with stuff like Noah then work my way to special stuff like backpacks and blankets.
M- that's reasonable
S- yeah there's no point of making all the stuff when maybe people won't want to buy it
M- I understand, your next step is to design.
S- ok
M- some people do things that represent them, like mads Lewis does butterfly's.
S- yeah '
M- and like your dad does PAU
M- or you can do like your fandom name or something like that
S- ok, I'll figure it out, I do think this meeting is over so I'll call you
M- see ya
S- bye!!
I left and drove home. I really had no clue what I wanted to put on my merch. Maybe dinosaurs, I like dinosaurs. I think my fandom is called Sophie's so idk. Maybe put my last name on the back? I really don't know. I'll plan it tonight but now I have to go home and do whatever Jaden is taking me and Noah to. I pulled up and Jaden was outside.
S- were you waiting for me?
J- yes now hurry we need to get Noah to agree to come with
S- fine
I went in and ran to Noah's room. I knocked
S- hey baby wyd
N- scrolling TikTok what's up
S- wann go somewhere
N- I'm not really feeling it, maybe tomorrow
S- are you sure...... it'll be really fun
N- where
S- it's a surprise
N- I will if you promise it's not scary or traumatizing
S- then get your shoes on cause it's none of those things
Noah got ready as me and Jaden went to the car. Noah got in the car and we started to drive.

Ok sorry it took me forever to get a new chapter. I've been busy with family and schoolwork. But OMG 1k reads!!!!!! I am beyond thankful. It's amazing to have so many people read my writing. I started expecting a few people would read it but 1k of you read it!!!! I love you guys. And btw id you wanna check it out I have another book I've been writing and a new one I'm about to start.

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