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I woke up to the sound of Barbie being blasted
Oh yeah I forgot Alex does in person school. I checked the time. It's 6:10. Might as well get up. I walked out to the kitchen to make some food. I made some waffles and put some syrup on them. Jules came downstairs still jamming out to the Barbie theme song.
J- Oooo what ya eating
S- just some waffles want some?
J- nah I gotta stick to my schedule meal
She pointed to the fridge.

Monday~ oatmeal
Tuesday~ cereal
Wednesday~eggs and toast
Thursday~ yogurt and fruit
Friend~ pancakes
Saturday~green shake
Sunday~ free choice

S- well do you want me to make you oatmeal
J- sure
I got out the bowl and found the oat packets in the cupboard. I added water and put it in the microwave for 2 minutes. I put my plate from earlier in the dishwasher. I have Jules her food and went off to go get dressed. I put on this

And did my hair

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And did my hair

I checked the time and it was now 7:30

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I checked the time and it was now 7:30. I decided to wake up Alex. I slowly walked in his room. I walked over to his bed and jumped on him.
S- wake up little bitch you have school
A- ah
He pushed my off. I stood up and pulled out my phone. I put on the Barbie theme song.
He put a pillow over his head.
A- please make it stop
S- it will stop if you get up for school.
A- ahhh
He rolled over off the bed. I shut it off. I stood over him and smiled.
S- good morning sleepy head, if you hurry I will make you some breakfast
A- Oooo deal
H stood up and picked me up
S- no no please put me down
He threw me on his bed and stuck his tongue out. I got up and went downstairs as he went to the bathroom. I decided to make him some pancakes


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he came down. His eyes lit up when he saw his food
A- you are the best sister ever.
He grabbed his plate and sat at the table
A- thank you
S- no problem
I went to my room and cleaned up a bit. I FaceTimed Luke cause I was bored.
S- good morning
L- good morning
S- so I was thinking I could visit today
L- yeah, company is always appreciated
S- ok I'll be there in like an hour, I'm gonna drive Alex to school cause his driving scares me
L- yeah I've only rode with him once and he hit like 4 curbs.
S- yeah it's not his best skill
L- ok well when you come here can you bring me some clothes
S- yeah
L- ok well I'll see ya later
S- see ya

I hung up and headed downstairs. Alex was putting on his shoes.
S- ok I'm driving you
A- what why
S- cause I don't trust your driving
A- it isn't that bad
S- Luke told me you hit 4 curbs in a 15 minute trip
A- whatever Luke over exaggerates
I grabbed the keys and went outside. Alex came out behind me and I drove him to school.
S- so anything going on at school
A- nope same old high school day
S- yeah I've never actually been to school so elaborate
A- well I go to my classes, you might see a couple fights, and kids making out in the hallway
S- well that sounds horrible
A- it is, it's like jail, the food is basically barf
S- yeah I'm gonna stay online
He laughed as I pulled up.
A- ok well I'll see you after school, I'm guessing you'll be with Luke
S- yep
He got out and I headed to Luke's house. When I got there I went in and grabbed a few things. I was very quick so I grabbed the clothes and headed to the hospital. When I got there I went up the elevator and went to his floor. While I walked there a couple of kids wanted a photo and they waved. I knocked on his door
L- come in
I walked in to see a smiling Luke sitting in his chair.
S- hey
L- oh finally your here I need you to see if this sounds good
He grabbed his guitar and played a few strings
S- yeah that sounds cool
L- um I'm gonna change then I need another thing from you
S- ok
I handed him his clothes and let him change.

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L- ok come hereI asked over and he hugged me

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L- ok come here
I asked over and he hugged me.
L- I wanna thank you for what you've done and I wanna let you know you have impacted my life
S- thanks Luke, you've changed my too
L- I wanna ask you if you would be my girlfriend
I was really shocked at the question
S- Um yeah
L- really?!
S- yeah I really like you and I would happily be your girlfriend
He put his arms around me and we stayed there.
L- I'm so happy
He kissed me. We both smiled at each other. I layer with him in the hospital and cuddled. I ended up falling asleep on his chest.

~The End~

Ok so I decided to end this book because I don't know why this book was changing and I'm sorry. You guys came here to read about Sway La and I changed it. I am working on another book if you like Karl Jacobs. It's ok my profile.

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