Settled in😌🦋

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I woke up to Alex using the bathroom.
S- could you pee any louder
Alex walked out the bathroom and just stared at me.
A- you know at my house there only 1 bathroom, so get used to it
I rolled over and tried to sleep, I couldn't. Luke was awake. I got up and went to the bathroom. I got out and Luke looked at me.
S- what
L- nothing I just realized how long 2 weeks is
I walked back to my cot and fixed the blankets. I called Jaden

Hey Jaden I need you to unlock the door I'm on my way to Sway
I guess

He hung up. I put my shoes on and so did Alex.
L- you guys are leaving already
S- well I'm gonna go to sway, pack my stuff then take it to Alex's house
L- ok
He looked sad
S- you can't come but we can FaceTime if you want
L- really?
S- yeah grab your phone
He did.
S- I'll call you when we're in the car
L- ok
Me and Alex left. We got to the car and I FaceTimed Luke. We stayed in call the whole way there. We made small talk but that was really it. We got there and I told Alex to stay in the car until I needed to carry my stuff. I took Luke with me and knocked on the door. No one answered and the door just opened. I walked in and went to my old bedroom.
L- what does it look like
S- well the house looks pretty dead and my room is slightly a mess cause I haven't been here in a minute
I set Luke up on my desk and started to pack stuff up.
S- should I take my bedding or any of that stuff
L- well if you used it constantly and you can't rebuy it you should pack it
S- nah ill by a new bed set.
I packed all my hoodie, shirts, pants, bras, underwear, socks, and stopped for a minute
S- ok all my clothes are packed in boxes I'm gonna get some water
I went to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle. I went back to my room and started with all my extra stuff. I packed my makeup, paint stuff, jewelry, books, and school stuff. My room looked pretty empty besides my bed and stuff. I went out to the car and asked Alex to come help. We carried all my boxes to the car. I went and checked to see if there was anything else. I remembered my hygiene stuff, and I saw a box under my bed. I opened it to see a bunch of pictures of me and Noah. I started to tear up
L- hey hey what's wrong what is in your hands
I wiped my tear
S- oh it's nothing just some pictures from when I first got here.
I carried it all to the car and we drove to Alex's house. Luke said he needed to hang up so the doctors could take him for an MRI to make sure everything was fine.
A- alright here we are, home sweet home.
I got out and grabbed one box. Alex opened the door and showed me around.
A- now this is Taylor's room, my little sister, she's at dance practice so she's mot home right now. And here is your room
He opened the door and I walked in.

S- wow it's super prettyA- yeah my sister and mom did it, you can change it up if you want and add your own style S- no I like it, I'll just put my stuff away and make it look organized A- cool well if you need anything just let me know, I'm gonna...

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S- wow it's super pretty
A- yeah my sister and mom did it, you can change it up if you want and add your own style
S- no I like it, I'll just put my stuff away and make it look organized
A- cool well if you need anything just let me know, I'm gonna get the rest of the boxes
S- ok
I opened the first box and it was my clothes I went over to a door and opened it

S- wow it's super prettyA- yeah my sister and mom did it, you can change it up if you want and add your own style S- no I like it, I'll just put my stuff away and make it look organized A- cool well if you need anything just let me know, I'm gonna...

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