Long recovery🐀🎸

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I woke up and I was on a cot. I was still in the hospital. Luke was next to me in the hospital bed. I looked up and he had wrapping around his head. I grabbed his hand and remembered all that happened. I kissed his hand and went to the bathroom. I came back and he was starting to wake up
S- L-Luke?
L- Sophia?
S- omg LUKE
I ran up and held his hands.
L- what happened
S- well when my dad punched you, you went unconscious and the medics came and took you here for surgery on your head, you had a brain bleed.

I started to cry again
S- why did you do that, I told you to go back, now your hurt and it's my fault
L- no Sophia don't say that. It was my choice and I choose to stay.
S- yeah but you didn't have to.  you should have went back
L- I wasn't gonna leave you with him, I saw he was angry
S- thanks but please, if this ever happens again, don't defend me, go back
L- never
I rolled my eyes and hugged him.
L- come here
He patted next to him and I crawled up beside him.
L- I will never leave you in danger
He rapped his arms around me. I laid my head on his chest. His mom woke up and saw us.
E- oh sweetie your awake
She came on the other side and gave him a kiss.
E- I'm so glad your ok
She hugged him and held his other hand.
E- thank you Sophia for signaling the police, without you, my son might've died.
S- trust me if the police didtn get him off then I would've done everything i could to stop him.
L- oh yeah what happened to your dad
S- they took him away
L- oh, where are you staying
S- I actually have to go back to the orphanage
L- your kidding right?
S- no
He looked really sad and held me tight.
L- I won't let that happen
S- there's nothing we can do, I'll have to go back and stay there till I'm 18,which is in a few months.
A- nope not gonna happen
Alex came in the door.
L- omg Alex
A- hey man, I actually made a few calls and Sophia isn't going back
S- what do you mean
A- well if you want, my mother just set up a new room in the house and it can be yours if you say yes
I got up and ran to give Alex a hug
A- I figured it was better than an orphanage
S- way better
A- although my moms cooking might taste like orphanage food
I laughed and gave him another hug. The doctor came in.
D- hello I'm Luke's doctor-
S- doctor Helms?
D- Sophia hi how are you doing
S- um thanks to Alex great
D- that's wonderful
L- wait how do y'all know each other
S- she was my doctor when I had that concussion.
L- oh
D- well Like it looks like your labs are looking good and your vitals are fine
L- so can I go home
D- not so fast you have to stay here for recovery
L- how long is that
D- about 2 weeks
L- really?!?
D- yes
L- well what about our show on Tuesday
E- your gonna have to cancel sweetie
L- but we can't
E- why
A- we're playing the stadium
E- really
S- yeah we were gonna be the halftime performance
L- we have to figure out how to get me there
S- we can't there's no way
D- well Tuesday is in 5 days, and I can make you a deal
L- really what is it
D- on Tuesday if you wound Is healing well and your vitals are up where there supposed to be, I'll let you go to the performance, but one of my doctors have to go with incase
L- YES I'll take you up on that deal
L- thank you so much
A- maybe if we are quiet we can practice a little
D- well we are on the Pediatric floor so maybe if you think you are strong enough, your "practice" can be playing for the kids.
A- that would be awesome
S- me and Alex can go get the Instruments
A- yeah and I can call Reggie to see if he's done with..... whatever he's doing
L- Yeah Reggie has been acting weird
S- also I can grab clothes for you
L- that would be amazing, this gown doesn't exactly give the best coverage
S- yeah I can see your boxers
He hurried and covered himself with a blankets
L- go hurry and stop looking
I laughed and went to walk out. I peeked my head back in
S- hey Luke
L- what's up
S- Pizza?
I headed out and followed Alex. He drove me do their house. Alex went to the Garage. I went inside the house for clothes and stuff. I went to find Luke's room. I found it on the first try. His room was surprisingly clean and well kept

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